Please Don't Tell That Story

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Omar loved his new family.

He loved when Wu read him the story of Jack the Rabbit at bed time. He loved when Zane helped him read. He loved racing around the house with Jay and making up games with Kai.

He liked it when Cole helped him with his lessons and when Nya showed him all the best hiding spots for hide and seek.

Now all he had to do was get used to being a little brother.

"Make him give it back mommy!" He cried as Carolin came into the playroom. "Make who give what back?" She asked gently.

"He doesn't need it." Cole insisted from across the room. Carolin just shook her head.

"Cole, give back whatever you took." Their mother told him with a sigh. Cole groaned but retrieved a stuffed lion from the toy box and gave it to his little brother.

"He's being a baby about it." The black haired boy sulked. "Being a baby huh?" Carolin asked raising an eyebrow. "Wu!"

"What? What is it?" He asked as he asked hurried into the room with the other children close behind him.

"Do you remember the summer boat ride?" His wife asked a bit slyly. Cole's eye grew wide.

"No! Please not that story!" He begged. "I wanna hear that story!" Omar pleaded. "Me to!" The other kids said eagerly.

"Sorry Cole. Majority rules." Wu smiled as he took a seat on the couch.

It was a sunny summer day. The perfect day to take your family out on a boat ride. Which is exactly what Wu and Carolin had decided to do.

The three older boys stood by the railing and watched the mainland disappear from view. Not long after they were adrift Cole's stomach began to turn.

"I fweel icky dada." The toddler groaned. Cole gagged then threw up over the railing. Carolin ran over and scooped him up as he cried into her chest.

"Wa my bwankie mama! Wa my bwankie!" He shrieked. Wu and Carolin looked at each other doubtfully as they realized they had left Cole's blanket at home.

"Cole, your blankie's not here." His father said trying to calm him down. "Wa my bwankie! Wa my bwankie!" He screamed.

All the other passengers on the boat were staring now but the crying toddler didn't care.

By the end of the story all the children (except Cole) were laughing hysterically.

"It's not funny." Cole sulked. "Is so." Kai said gasping for air. "You're such a crybaby."

"A crybaby huh? Alright then Kai. Your turn." His father announced.

"What do you mean? I'm not scared of anything." Kai boasted. "Do you remember Kai's little visit with Santa and the elves at the mall?" Wu asked his wife.

Kai's eye grew wide with terror. "Please not that story!" He begged.

It wasn't Kai's fault he'd gotten lost that day. There were seemingly thousands of people at the mall that day for the Christmas rush.

In all the confusion Kai had gotten separated from his parents. While he was trying to find them he wandered into Santa's hut.

"Ho ho ho. Well hello there little boy." The fat man in red said as he came up to the toddler. Kai tried to bolt but one of the elfs grabbed him.

"Where's your mommy little boy?" She smiled. Tears started to stream down Kai's face as he struggled to get away.

"There there. Don't cry. Why don't you sit with Santa." The helper said as she placed him on Santa's lap.

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