Troublesome Threes

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Crystal had alway been what Wu had called a late bloomer.

She only began to talk on her first birthday and didn't even try to walk till a few months later. Because of this her family wasn't concerned when she seemed to skip her 'terrible twos'.

That was no problem. It's not as if anyone wanted her to draw on walls or throw tantrums. But as with most things Crystal was just taking her time.


"Mom! Make her cut it out!" Kai protested as he wiped the scrambled eggs off his face. "She's getting to old for this." He glared at his little sister who beamed from her booster seat.

"Cryssi, no throwing food." Their mother warned. "I thought you said she'd grow out of it by now." Cole said handing his twin a napkin. "Isn't she to old for this?" Zane asked.

"Kissi sowwy." The toddler said sweetly. "See Kai, she's sorry." Wu smiled. "She's still little. She'll learn right from wrong soon enough."


"Uncle Wu!" Lloyd called from the playroom. "Crystal's coloring on the wall!" Wu rushed in to find the older children trying to take the crayons and paints away from their little sister without making her cry.

"Cryssi." Wu said in a warning tone as he picked her up. "We don't draw on walls." "Kissi made a pwetty pictwure." She smiled proudly.

"Yes you did. But next time the picture goes on paper." He turned to the others. "Can you kids start cleaning this up while I take care of your sister?" He asked and left without waiting for an answer.


That afternoon, while Crystal was supposed to be taking her nap, the three-year-old snuck down stairs and into the kitchen.

Earlier she had seen her family playing with a frisbee in the yard but she hadn't gotten a chance to play with it. Now she looked around for where they might have put it.

On the counter she saw some plates that had been left to dry. They looked like frisbees and she was pretty sure they flew like one too.

She pushed the chair to the counter and climbed on top to grab one.

"One, twwo, free!" She yelled as she flung the plate in the air. The loud shattering of glass brought the rest of the family running into the kitchen.

"Uh oh." Crystal said when she realize she was about to be in trouble. "Cole did it." She said, quickly pointing a finger at him.

"What?! No I didn't! I wasn't even here!" Cole started before he realized. "Wait, she's three. Why am I defending myself?"

"You kids head upstairs." Carolin instructed. "We'll deal with your sister."

"But I don't want to miss her first grounding." Kai protested. "Do you want one of your own?" Wu asked warningly. Kai shook his head and followed the other kids to their rooms.

"Kissi sowwy." The toddler apologized in her sweetest little voice. "That's not going to save you this time." Wu told her.

"Kissi vewy sowwy." She tried again.

"We know you're sorry but you're also growing up." Carolin said as she sat her in her lap. "You're a big girl. That means that you know not to bad things and when you do the wrong thing you have to punished."

"Why?" Crystal asked softly. "So you can learn not to do it again. We're only doing this because we love you very much and want what's best for you." Wu explained. "Do you understand?"

Crystal nodded. "Good." Her mother said softly. "Now let's go up to your room for your timeout."


Of course Crystal didn't enjoy her timeout but she understood why she was in trouble.

"Daddy, Kissi vewy sowwy." She told Wu that night as he tucked her in. "I know but I'm glad you learned your lesson." She smiled and turned to leave.

"Daddy, can I have a bedtime story pwease?" Crystal begged.

"I don't know it's already past your bedtime..."

"Pwitty pwease?"

"Alright. One story. Which one do you want?"

"Jack da rabbit." She said excitedly.

"Alright. Once upon a time..."

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