He's Alive!

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         You were laying on the ground. You were barley breathing. Your head was wrapped in a bandage, and you were in pain.
       You opened your eyes slowly, blinking a few times. You made whimpering noises, trying to get attention. You heard footsteps.
       You then saw, Bendy, Boris, and an.. Angel? You were shaking, you rested your chin on the ground and you looked at them.
        "Pa.....Pa....?" You managed to choke out the word. He immidetly ran over to you. "(Y/n)! Oh thank god! Your okay!" He said picking you up.
        You whimpered as you struggled to wrap your arms around his neck. He hugged your close to his chest.
        The angel girl smiled brightly. She seemed nice. Bendy stared blankly. "So, (y/n). This is Alice. She bandaged your head." Bendy bluntly stated.
        "A-alice?" You stuttered Alice nodded, then she walked over to you. You heard her footsteps, because she is wearing high-heals.
       "Aren't you just the cutest?" She said, ripping you from Boris's arms into hers. You whinpered. She then kissed the bandage. It hurt, so you yelped.
      "Oh! I'm so sorry! I got carried away." She apologized. "I-it's ok-okay." You said. She then put you down.
      Your legs wobbled and you fell. They still hurt. Boris then picked you back up and cradled you in his arms. Bendy tapped his foot impatiently.
        "So, what are we going to do about her? We are no doctors." Bendy said. "She should be fine, not like she's bleeding to death or anything~" Alice said. That comment made you scared.
       Bendy rolled his eyes. "Well, I am kind of worried."Boris said. "She is hurt-" Boris was cut off by Bendy. "Well- OF COURSE!!" He yelled.
        "For heavans sake! Calm down Bendy."Alice warned. "I don't get about heaven. I'm a demon, remember?" Bendy shot back, earning a glare from Alice.
         You blinked a few times. "In not going to die.. right papa?" You asked, you had tears in your eyes. Boris looked nervous, he wasn't sure. He didn't know much about humans..
        You started crying. "I don't want to die!" You shouted. "Oh no! Poor sweety! Your not going to die." Alice said, as she gently took you from Boris.
         "I'm not going to let anything harm you from now on!" Alice cheered. You called down a bit, and you smiled. "Nothings going to harm you~ not while I'm around. Demons will charm you with a smile! For awhile~" she sang.

(She is singing this.)

        Bendy stared at Alice, scowling. Boris was getting jelous. You were his baby!! Only his! Not hers! Boris snatched you from Alice, then he stuck his nose up and walked away with you.

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