Bendy saves the day, Again.

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     you couldn't move..

      you couldn't talk..

      you couldnt call for papa..

           you opened your eyes. it was dark. you tried to move, you couldnt. you tried to scream, you couldnt. Why me..? You thought.
       You heard footsteps. They came closer and Closer. then..  they were behind you. "Hello, Little Lamb." You assumed it was a male. but, it wasn't joey..
        You felt something on your shoulder. A hand? Why does it feel so.. moist? Yuck. It gripped your shoulder harshly. you tensed in pain.
      You felt Tape being torn from your skin. You were about to scream, but a moist hand covered your moulth. "Lets not keep him waiting." the man said.
     "h-him..?" You stuttered. "Yes.. he will set us free." You blinked. What is this guy thinking..? You struggled. "Now, Now. we can't let our lamb escape." The man said.
         The man untied you. but...  you weren't going to thank this crazy guy. You heard footsteps. Someone was running to get you. you were then hoisted up.
      the man ran off with you over his shoulder. you were wordless.. this man was made up of.....
~Time skip~
      You were tied up again, you were in the middle of a room, there was a long hall in front of you. This man stood in front of you.
       he had introduced himself as Sam. You didn't like where this was going.. you were really scared to be honest. Sam then walked away.
     "Oh! I summon you almighty ink demon!" He howled. "I summon you! Bendy!" He yelled out. there was silence for a moment. "o-oh! My lord-!" Sam started.
        you heard screaming. Something hit the ground. There were footsteps which faded away. you were in complete silence.
       There was an ink puddle in the hall. it started to bubble. It then started to shape. It molded into your uncle, Bendy.
        "uncle bendy?" You called out. Bendy turned to you. he was dripping with ink. Was he looking for you..?
     Bendy sloshed towards you. "(Y/n)?" He asked. you nodded.  "Yes, it's me." you told him. he smiled. "Well, Your father and us have been worried sick." Bendy said.
       "oh.. sorry." you apoligized. "it's okay." Bendy said. "yeah, can you mabye get me out of here?" You asked. Bendy perked up. "Ah! Yes." Bendy untied you and brought you back to your family.
       "Papa!" You cheered and hugged Boris. "(Y/n)! oh thank God! your okay!!" He said hugging you back.
      Alice smiled cheerfully. "I'm so glad you got home safe!" Alice cheered. She turned to Bendy. "Thanks for bringing her home safe." She thanked him.
     Bendy nodded. "No problem, I guess." He stated. Then, Alice hugged him. he let her for a moment, then pushed her away. "okay, okay. no angel germs." He stated.
       You didn't let go of Boris. You didn't want to lead your papa's embrace. Then Bendy and Alice joined in. Family Hug!

BATIM Boris X Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now