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I stormed off to my room kind of pissed off that he would be so "closed off" but who am I to think that he would be nice about it. I really wanted to find more about Ms.Belle, so I snuck around the castle trying to find any artifact about her life or their life together. I climbed up multiple flights of stairs that I had no idea where they were going. The place was huge and every turn and twist lead darker into this demonic hell hole. I walked down all the halls trying the doors but none of them would budge. I finally made it to the very top floor of the castle. I'm assuming this is where the prophet spent all his time. It was warmer up here and it was better kept than the rest of the castle. I walked slowly through the french doors, It was the most beautiful room in the whole place. Huge windows with red curtains and huge book cases. Lots of swords and medieval-type weapons were mounted on the wall.

What caught my eye was this golden trunk in the corner of the room that looked untouched. I slowly walked over to it and kneeled next to the chest. I slowly undid the locks and opened the lid. Inside was a beautiful black wedding dress with black lace and beads. I studied it for a moment and then set it aside. There was lots of pieces of random jewelry that seemed to be missing its match. At the bottom of the trunk, there was a photo of a young man and an even younger girl. The girl had blonde hair and was wearing a light blue dress. She looked like Belle, and I realized that it was her. The man next to her looked maybe 18 or 19 at the oldest. He had long black hair and wore a lot of black. He was actually smiling with his arm around her. Was this the prophet? If it was, this picture was taken a long time ago because he was much older now and wore his hair messy and lots of streaky black makeup, unlike the prophet in this picture. I wondered what his real name was if he had one at all. How did he get here? Who took this picture?

"Did anyone ever tell you it's rude to go through other people's stuff..." I heard a rough voice come from the doorway. I nearly had a heart attack when I jumped up and saw the prophet standing there. I'm so dead....

"Oh uh..I was just uh..." I said trying to put all the stuff back in the trunk.

"Yeah I know what you were doing Harley, don't lie to me." I just shut up at that point because I knew there was no point in trying to make up and excuse.

"Is this you?" I said holding up the picture before I put it back.

The prophet came over and looked at the picture, his expression pained as he could only look at it for a moment.

"Probably." He snickered

"You were very handsome, and Belle was extremely beautiful" I smiled and shut the trunk.

"What did I say about you mentioning her." He said in a surprisingly calm voice.

"Im..sorry.." He was towering over me at this point and I just looked down. He slowly took my face and lifted it to meet his eyes. He kissed me except this time it was slower and gentler. I wrapped my arms around him and he picked me up and set me on the bed. I felt ok actually with his hands exploring me like he was. I didn't care if he was evil, he was the perfect kind of evil and of course I was sick in the head too.

I woke up the next morning not in my bed but next to the prophet. Greaaattttttt

I had no clothes on and my hair was a mess. The prophet was still sleeping peacefully next to me. He didn't look so scary when he was asleep. The sun was shining on his face and he was wrapped in a fetal position. Wait, did I say the sun? I looked outside and it had actually stopped raining for once. I got up and put my dress on that I found on the other side of the room. I walked out on the balcony and breathed the fresh morning air. It smelled like fresh flowers and I could even hear birds singing. This was the first time that I have seen it sunny and beautiful outside.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" the prophet had awoken and hugged my waist from behind.

I placed my hands on his and kinda smiled.

"What happened last night?" I turned to face him and look at him

He didn't say anything but he just kissed my cheek and walked back inside. 

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