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 I woke up on the cold hard ground somewhere. I didn't know where I was. The sky was dark, it looked like night time. I seemed to be the only one that was here. I noticed I was in the black dress I was in when I was in the castle except new again. I looked around and I noticed that I was laying in the middle of a street. Except empty. There were neon lights all around me and street lights lining the sidewalk. Why was I the only one here. I stood up and started walking down the damp and quiet street. A radio was playing somewhere, some oldies music. The place was eerily quiet and this didn't seem right. I was in some 50s town with no people or cars. The shops were abandoned except the street lights and neons were all still on. I ran barefoot down the street until it just ended. The end of the street was just black. I had to find my way back to my realm.

"I gotta get back to Andy....I gotta get back to Andy..." I whispered to myself as I ran up and down the street.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Who's that.... I saw someone sitting on a bench with a coat on. Oh thank god. The person wasn't moving but was just flipping through a newspaper.

"Um...Excuse me..Do you know where I am?" I asked the person minding his own business. No answer. I slowly reached toward the newspaper but right as I grabbed it, he flew it out of his hand and screamed like a demon. The first thing I saw was his teeth! I screamed and fell backwards.

"HARLEY!" He flung himself on top of me and pinned me down. It was the Prophet. He had found me again!

"You fool! You think that you could just escape me that easily!?" he was inches from my face. I laid there in fear and shock.

"You're MINE HARLEY!" I had never seen him this mad in my life. I become helpless as he forced himself on me and covered my mouth.

"Stop!!!" I tried to yell but his hand was tight around my face. I didn't know what to do but scream and cry.

"I LOVE YOU PLEASE!" I was trying to do anything to make him stop.

"What did you say?!" He growled.

"I ...i love you..." I whimpered. He stood up in anger and shook off his disguise. He was in leather pants and a studded vest as he knocked me out again just enough where I couldn't fight him any longer and picked me up, of course carrying me back to the Legion of the Black.


I was forced to lay in his bed all day where he could watch me and I could not run away. The room smelled like cigarettes and a haze filled the air. He would get me drunk on wine and then kiss me until he was done. He kept me sedated so I couldn't run or scream or fight. Just lay there and make me take it. We were back to square one. His once familiar hands running over my skin now felt like a knife cutting open my chest.

"Please Prophet..." I begged at a whisper.

He sat in the dark corner watching me like a hound until he needed his meat again.

"Why are you doing this......" I could barely speak. I knew that this was probably Belles last moments before she was brutally murdered by her lover. He stood up and walked over to the messed up bed that i was laying in. His cold stare never left my face until he forced another kiss on me. I wish I could enjoy it but not after what he did to me.

"Say it to me again." He demanded as his body got closer to mine.

"I ... I love you Prophet." I shut my eyes as he wrapped his hands around my throat.

"That's my girl." He said slowly and seductively. I knew he had put some kind of spell on me because I would not be normally saying this. I don't know what happened to me because I fell asleep under his drug. I dreamed of Andy. How his smile could light up the day. How I missed him so much. I knew I would be dead before I saw him again. There was no point. 

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