The In-Between

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(Harleys POV)

I ran through the woods like I was being followed. It was scary for me. I woke up not feeling right but I felt.....evil. I had this overwhelming urge to kill someone. I didn't want to scare Andy or anyone else so I ran. I ran straight to the castle. I ran straight to my torturer and into his arms once again. He didn't seem surprised that I was back. It's like he knew that I would be back for more. The Prophet didn't ask why I had come back he just showered me with affection. What was weird was that we both knew that something was up. He was being a tad too sweet and I was being a tad too eager. I just wanted to get my hands on the knife that he stabbed me with. Yes I knew that technically Andy physically stabbed me but its was the Prophet's evil scheme. He took me upstairs and started to undress me like he always did. What he didn't know was that I spotted the dagger that was still bloody from when he stabbed me. When you get the Prophet "going" he won't pay attention to his surroundings so he didn't realize when I slowly grabbed the blade and held it where he couldn't see me. I felt so in control of the moment. After we were "done", I hid the large blade behind my back as he was facing away from me. I was waiting for the perfect second to lunge at him. He stopped cold in his tracks and turned around, his long wavy hair was a mess.

"Give me the knife, Harley. We wouldn't want anybody to be getting hurt now would we." He coldly smiled

"I'm not giving you anything." I stood my ground this time. He knew that he was in a pickle because if he attacked me, he knew that he would get a blade in his chest but he really wanted that blade. The evil crackled in my eyes once again and he saw it. For some reason he kind of stepped back in surrender. He had seen that look before. What was weird was that the evil feeling was fleeting. One moment I was fine but the next I felt like I could kill someone. Everyone was afraid of me all of a sudden.Andy was afraid of me, the Prophet was afraid of me.... I was basically in control of The Prophet himself.

"Harley, you gotta give me the knife." His voice was almost desperate and I could hear in his voice that he didn't want to harm me. I took a deep breath and sighed while handing over the large blade that was in my hands. He made it disappear into thin air and put his hands up showing he had no intention to harm me. He got closer to me slowly.

"What's wrong Harley." He said in like a fatherly figure tone. I just shook my head not saying anything, scared of what would come from the situation.

"This is exactly what happened to Belle...." He stroked my face in a sorry pitiful way.

"What do you mean." I whispered.

"Belle was like this before.....before...nevermind forget it, it's impossible."

"Whats impossible...." I squeaked.

"That there will be another In-between." The air went cold and Prophets face turned white. 

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