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(Andys POV)

After tour, I felt myself kind of change. It was harder to sleep at night and I became more hostile towards my band members. I felt like I was changing. I thought of the Prophet and how he would keep his word. I pushed that thought out of my head as I tried to be like everyone else and fake my happiness. CC tried to cheer me up by keeping me laughing and stuff but it always felt like a forced laugh and I would go back to the dead state that I had become so accustomed to. Ashley tried to get me to go out with him to bars to get girls and things but the alcohol just never gave me the buzz I needed. My best friends were slowly giving up on me again. I really hoped that they wouldn't throw me back into that hospital that I found myself in last year. I haven't seen Harley in a long time. I bet she had forgotten about me and she and the Prophet were ruling where ever they were. One night after I had gone out with Ash, I was feeling a little drunk when I got home. I decided to go shower to just cool down and sober up. I thought it was just the alcohol but I saw black lines forming on my cheek. My hair looked a little longer and my eyes were blacker. I made myself not think about it as I went to bed.

The next morning, I looked in the mirror and the black lines had spread. Did I get some kind of weird disease at the bar last night? I tried to rub it off but it didn't smudge. This had to be work of the Prophet. He knew that my depression was setting back in and we would attack when I was at my weakest. I was ready to give up. I wanted to kill myself like he said. I had a strange allure to the pills in my drawer. Maybe if I gave him what he wanted, he would leave Harley alone and he could torture me instead. I was sad to hurt my mother but I was doing what was best for everyone. I sat down to write a long note to my band members saying i'm sorry it had to end this way. How they did so much for me but I had to do this. Once I was finished, I slashed my wrists with a knife,swallowed the whole bottle of pills, and went to bed. I was in a dream state where I could see everyone I had ever loved surrounding me. I wasn't sure if I was dying or if I was already dead. They were all crying but quiet. Was I watching my funeral? Behind all of them, there was the Prophet, with his evil stance waiting to pounce.

"Well done my son. I knew you would make the right decision." He just embraced me.

"Am I dead?" I asked

"Not yet. But you're almost there. Follow me." He took me and led me away from where my body was lying and led me away from the crying people around me. We walked straight through the wall and we were in the Legion of the Black. We were standing in front of his castle. This had been my first time back to my birthplace and I had a strange feeling about being here. My face was covered in more streaky paint and my hair was down to my shoulders. I was literally a clone of my father almost. For some reason, the castle felt like home and I felt like I grew up here. Now that I had given into my father's request, he seemed to respect me and keep his distance. I kept quiet but just looking at everything as we went up to the main tower.

"Your prisoner awaits" He opened the door.

I saw a girl laying distorted on the bed in front of me.

"Andy?" The raspy yet squeaky voice called. Oh my god it was Harley.

"What did you do!" I became angry except the demonic angry that my father became usually.

"She ran away. Kill her." He demanded.

"No! I can't kill her!" I begged

"Kill her or you'll be killed from those pills." He didn't seem interested in my protest. Murder meant business here in the Legion of the Black and there was no time for negotiations.

"I don't care, take me, please stop torturing her!"

"Oh I will son, it's your job now. And you will do it to my standards." He just folded his arms and lit a cigarette casually. Harley groaned in pain and I winced hearing her like that.

"Let her go! This isn't fair!"

"She has to pay." He moved closer

"No you have to pay! You killed my mother now you're going to kill Harley!" I wanted to just let those pills take me. He handed a huge knife that had dried blood all over it. I knew that this was the same knife he killed Belle with. If she died then I would make myself go with her.

"I'm so sorry Harley...." I leaned down and kissed her quivering lips as I slowly drove the knife into her chest. Our kiss broke when she took her last breath.

"Very good son." The prophet took the knife from me and made it disappear into thin air. I looked down at her body covered in blood and the stained sheets she was laying on. My Harley....dead...killed by my own father. Murdered like my mother. I wish this didn't have to end this way. The room was silent and the Prophet felt a kind of guilty twang all of a sudden. He knew what he did was wrong but he was so obsessed with power that he would do anything to keep it.

"Lets go son." he started to lead me out of the room but we both jumped when we heard her cough.

"Harley?" I ran over to her to see her breathing again.

"What happened..." She fluttered her sleepy eyes and she was gasping for air.

"Nono calm down, you're fine." I took her and held her close to me.

"Andy....." She just said my name as she leaned into me and stayed asleep.

The Prophet just was in shock as he watched his victim defeat his power.

"Good evening boys!" A cheery voice chimed from the other side of the room. It was the Mourner. He had saved her. He was watching this all from the beginning. He wasn't going to let her die. The Prophet was so mad he didn't even speak. The Mourner stepped into the room.

"Harley will never be able to be killed. The other 4 Wonders have vowed to protect her from evil. We hope that you will change your wicked ways Prophet and bring light to the Legion." The Mourner looked over her limp body and you could see the pity in his eyes. We saved her.

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