Street Meeting

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(Andys POV)

"I gotta get her back..." I huffed while pacing the living room nervously. "He can't take her no." I started to get shaky and nervous. "Calm down, you gotta calm down" I sucked in sharply.

"the longer you wait, the more she becomes...mine"

His voice rang in my ears loudly. I could feel his hand still practically wrapped around my neck. Ash wasn't home, how could he leave me during a time like this, I practically had a panic attack every time he left. I decided to go for a walk, maybe it would clear my head. I grabbed my leather jacket and phone. The streets were empty and it was wet and cold. The cold air made me shiver but I was sweating so I didn't mind it. I needed to go get Harley. She needed to be safe. God I hope she was ok. I wanted to see my mother but I didn't know how she could hear me from here.

"" I whimpered like a lost child in the cold. I ran a finger along the wall as I walked. "

"Andy, I'm right here honey." I heard a sweet voice from behind me. I spun around.

"Mom?" I looked at her. She was in jeans and a leather jacket like me.

"You called?" She chimed. She seemed to glow in the streetlight like a phantom.

"Hes....Hes after me...and Harley...shes-" I laid my head on her shoulder. I felt kind of ridiculous because she was a child ghost and I was her grown son but I had no one else.

"Shhhh i know" She hugged me.

"The has me and I can't shake him" I wept

"He can't make you do anything Andy. He's scary but that's all he is. I promise you."

"The things-the things he does to Harley and and what he did to you-its not ok. Hes a monster." I was practically hysterical at this point.

"What I do to Harley is none of your buisness son." I heard a deep voice behind Belle.

Yet there he came, to ruin mine and my mother's moment. Belle turned around and you could see she became protective. There in the streetlight the Prophet stood there leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, his long jet black hair blew gently in the chilly breeze.

"Prophet. Why have you come?" She spoke confidently, acting like they had no past at all.

"Why my beautiful Belle, you haven't lost a spec of your beauty."

"Well, Prophet, you happened to kill me in the midst of the beauty. Thanks to you I died young." Belle mocked. She stood in front of me like a dog protecting her puppies even though I was much taller than her.

"So you still try to dry your little boys tears huh?" Prophet chuckled to himself.

"You did this to him!" She yelled

The Prophet stepped forward and his eyes glowed. Not again.

"Maybe if he never was born, we would still rule the Legion of the Black, you would still be my queen and the In-Between species would have never existed. Be better to just...take him out of his misery..." He grabbed Belle by the waist but she slapped his hand away.

"You have your queen!" Belle spat.

"Harley? She's no queen, she's not even with me." He played sorry for himself.

The rings on his hand reflected light as I noticed them, I noticed the dark bruises on his hand. Probably from doing things to Harley.

"Where is she. What did you do to her..." I swallowed and looked the Prophet coldly in his electric blue eyes.

"She has no respect for authority so I banished her, i'm sure one of the other Wonders have her. Or....she's dead on the florest floor. Her beautiful body, rotting away." He never broke eye contact as he drawed out those words. It hurt me to think of Harley, dead somewhere and no one knows where she is.

"And you'll be next Andy if you don't take care of .....yourself"

I just gave him a look like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"We don't need your species. You were a complete accident and the In-Betweens, are an accidental discovery and if there are anymore born, I'll take care of them myself."

He was basically telling me to kill myself. I knew Belle was not ok with that and I was scared he would kill me first.

"If you would come back to the Legion with me sweetheart, we can be a family again." He took Belle by the face and spoke softly. I knew he was trying to sweet talk her and I hated the way he treated my mother.

"You'll never be anything more than a monster! And you will not be a father to my son..."

" don't know that." He leaned down and kissed her and he was really starting to scare me. He would do anything to get his hands on her and do whatever he wanted.

"Andy, you will always..will have a part of me inside you. And the darkness will never leave until you choose your side. When you look in the mirror, you will see me. When you walk down the street, you will see me. I am never going to leave. " He flashed his signature smirk and walked away leaving me and Belle alone in the cold.

"Let's go home son..." Belle walked me back to my house as we walked back to my house.

We sat on the couch together just kind of taking in everything that had just happened. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and everything buzzing together. Belle took my hand and she noticed my wrists. I kind of flinched when she ran her soft hand over them.

"My sweet boy, this isn't fair to you." She had to stop tears from flowing

"I'm sorry..." I whispered "Does he really want me to kill myself?"

Belles face dropped and she embraced me.

"Promise me Andy, that you will never follow his orders. No matter what he threatens, don't give in. You're stronger than him. I know it for a fact."

"I just want Harley to be ok."

"She will be Andy, she will be."

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