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"You love me?" Lexa asked. There was a vulnerability about her, one that was uncommon but not unfamiliar to Clarke. 

"I assumed it was obvious," Clarke shrugged. She tried to seem nonchalant, but the shake in her voice betrayed her. She felt vulnerable and afraid, even though Lexa seemed to love her back.

"I love you, too," Lexa said quietly. 

"You do?"

"I assumed it was obvious." Lexa grinned at Clarke and gave her a matching shrug. 

"Well... good. Good. Glad that's out of the way. Now I can do this-" She leaned down and pecked Lexa's lips. "-whenever I want."

"I think I should stop calling you Wanheda and start calling you Tombomheda gon ai." 

"I think I should start calling you Heda Snacha."

"That isn't very kind, Clarke. Your title was nice."

"I'm sorry, I'm not good at this. This being feelings," Clarke admitted. "But how about you just call me babe?"

"Babe?" Lexa asked. "What does that mean?"

"Well, it's a more modern way of saying..." Clarke thought for a minute. "Niron. It's what you call your lover. At least, it's what we did back on the Ark."

"I like it, babe," Lexa assured her. "But I think I like Niron better. I do not mean to belittle your customs or language, but I prefer Trigedasleng over Skai tongue."

"I'm guessing I'm not allowed to call you pet names in public," Clarke laughed. "Seeing as you are Heda."

"What are pet names?" Lexa asked again. 

"Babe is a pet name. They're little words that couples use to refer to their partner."

"And couples are lovers?"


Lexa frowned. 

"Yes, I fear it would improper to call me 'pet names' in front of my people. But I don't mind while we're alone. If you make a habit of calling me a new name each time we're alone, I'd like to hear them all."

"Is that your way of saying you want lots of alone time with me?" Clarke teased. 

"As Heda, I have far too much alone time. It would be much more enjoyable if it was spent with you."

"I think that can be arranged." 

Clarke quickly undid the braids from Lexa's hair and threaded her hands through the brown locks. Lexa smiled contently and leaned back into Clarke's chest. Clarke moved her hands from Lexa's hair down to her shoulders and began to massage the last remaining tension from them. 

"Clarke, can I kiss you?" Lexa asked, her voice small and so unlike the commander. 

Clarke paused and thought for a second, wrestling with herself. Half of her wanted to make sure that Lexa rested, but the other half really wanted Lexa to kiss her, hard. That half won out.

"Alright," Clarke agreed. "Just stop if you hurt. I'd never forgive myself if I let you reopen your wound."


Lexa turned around to face Clarke and pressed her lips against the blonde's, soft and sweet. When she was sure Clarke wouldn't fuss at her for pushing further, she became a little more passionate, moving her mouth down to trace Clarke's jawline. Clarke tilted her head back to give Lexa a better angle and ran her hands up and down Lexa's back. Lexa's lips started to travel down further until they hit Clarke's collarbone, causing her to fall back. 

Lexa came crashing down into Clarke's chest. She giggled, giving Clarke another sweet kiss and allowing herself to be enveloped by the taller girl's arms. 

"Did the great Lexa just giggle?" Clarke questioned, tilting her head to the side in a mock-confused manner. 

"If you tell anyone, I'll deny it."

"Wouldn't dream of it, babe." 

The brunette sighed and rolled off of Clarke, but she immediately snuggled up next to her and allowed her head to rest against her lover's shoulder. 

"I love you, Clarke com Skaikru. Do you know how good it feels to say that?" 

"By the look on your face, I'm guessing very," Clarke smiled. "And I love you, too, Heda Snacha."

"Hey, watch it! What did I say about insulting me?" Lexa pouted. 

"Calm down, your highness, I'm just teasing you. No need to be so sensitive. Sheesh, and they call me 'princess.'"

"I'm sorry, Niron. I'm not used to being teased. None of my people would dare tease me besides you." 

"You aren't in love with any of them, are you? If so, you should probably tell me now before it's too late, though I guess it's already too late, considering I'm in love with you."

"No, I suppose I'm not in love with any of them," Lexa remarked. "Just you. You're special."

"Of course I'm special, I'm Wanheda."

Lexa gave the girl a playful shove. Clarke rolled away, pretending that Lexa had pushed her harder than she had. 

"No, come back," Lexa complained. "Your warmth will put me to sleep." Clarke didn't budge. "Sleep is good for me, remember, Fisa?" the commander tried. "You wanted me to rest so that I could heal."

Clarke gave in and rolled back over, opening her arms for Lexa to worm her way into. 

"Come on, Heda. Come be warm and rest."

"After last night, you don't have to call me Heda anymore," Lexa said. She yawned, fatigue seeping into her bones.

"I never had to call you Heda in the first place," Clarke answered. "Perks of having the commander of the thirteen clans fall helplessly in love with you."

"That is true. Let me rephrase: After last night, I would prefer you don't call me Heda anymore. I like the way my name falls off of your lips."

"You're not even going to try and deny that you're helplessly in love with me?"

"Oh, Clarke," Lexa smiled, her eyes already closing. "I'm fully aware of how helplessly in love I am with you. I just want to go to sleep, now, if that's alright."

"Of course," Clarke said. "Lexa. Heda needs her beauty sleep. Well, Heda needs her sleep. She's already beautiful."

"Thank you, Niro."

"The pleasure is mine, babe."

Lexa fell fast asleep, in the peaceful room, surrounded by candles, to the steady rise and fall of Clarke's chest. 

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