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Lexa hissed as Titus slammed her against a wall, pressing his palm into her bullet wound. She had been expecting him to be unhappy with his punishment, expecting him to be overwhelmed and angry. She hadn't expected him to become physical with her about it, yet here she was, her back against the wall of the throne room, a sharp, jabbing pain in her side. Even in her state, she was able to push Titus off of her and onto the ground. She called for her guards to hold him back so that she could get in his face one last time before she left.

"Heda-" Titus began, but Lexa wouldn't have any of it. 

"If I had any doubts about the severity of your punishment, they've certainly dissipated now," Lexa spat. "Not only did you try to kill Clarke, who was under my protection, and shoot me, but you tried to attack me after I delivered your punishment, not even trying to verbally defend yourself. I'll see you tomorrow when it's time to pull the trigger."

"You expect me to kill myself?" Titus cried out.

"You know what will happen if you don't," Lexa spat. 

She stormed angrily from the throne room fro the second time in two days, ordering the guards to take Titus to a regular cell downstairs. She found Clarke sitting in her room, already dressed for the day. 

"We need to talk," Clarke said. "About two major issues." 

Lexa fixed her with a look that said, go on and sat down next to her. 

"Well, first, we're about to step out in public. By now, I'm pretty sure your guards know about us, but how much are you willing to let on to regular citizens?" 

"What do you think?" Lexa asked, taking Clarke's hand. "I trust your opinion."

"As proud as I am to be with you, and as much as I want to shout it from the rooftops of Polis, and as much as I'd love to kiss you whenever I want to, I can't help but think that there would be some big consequences if we went public now. They might think that I'm extorting you so that you'll help my people, which isn't true at all. It could make them think that you're weak. I'd give it time, at least until Pike is gone."

"I understand." Lexa nodded. She pulled Clarke into her and pressed a kiss to her temple. "How long do you think that will be?"

"That brings me to the other thing I need to talk about," Clarke said hesitantly. "I need to go back to Arkadia."



"No. Pike wants you dead!" Lexa reminded her. "He calls you a traitor! I can't just send you into his territory. What if something happens to you, Clarke?"

"Lexa, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."

"Clarke, please," Lexa begged. She pulled the girl in closer to her chest. "Please don't leave me."

"I'll come back," Clarke promised. "We always find a way to meet again."

Lexa sighed in defeat but held Clarke tighter.

"When will you leave?"

"After Titus' execution. I want to be there for you when it happens."

"Mochef, Niron." Lexa pressed a kiss to Clarke's neck. "Ai hod yu in."

"I love you," Clarke whispered.  "I'll stay for the execution, and I'll stay one last night."

"Don't leave without saying goodbye," Lexa warned. 

"I won't. Ai swega klin. Let me help you get ready." 

Clarke shimmied her way out of Lexa's arms and fetched her armor. She hadn't bothered to wear it to her her meeting with Titus, unaware that he would try to attack her. Clarke had a steady hand as she helped Lexa into the armor, pressing small kisses to Lexa's skin every now and then. 

"I think I prefer you helping me to even the best of my handmaidens."

Clarke laughed, a sound that Lexa relished since it didn't happen often. She tucked the last bit of Lexa's armor into place and stood back to admire her handywork. 

"Huh," she remarked. "I didn't do half bad."

Lexa examined herself in a nearby mirror and nodded her approval. 

"You put everything on correctly, just quite slowly."

"You can have accuracy or you can have speed."

"Noted," Lexa chuckled. "Let me help you with your armor."

"Oh, no, I don't really need armor. I'm just an ambassador, and I'm not going to be doing any fighting."

"All the ambassadors wear some kind of armor. Some are just more discreet than others."

"Fine," Clarke caved. "But keep it simple. I don't want to look like a member of Azgeda."

"As you wish."


A few minutes later, Lexa took in the sight of Clarke in the armor she'd chosen for her. Clarke looked hot. Really hot. Not that Lexa would ever admit that, of course. A knowing smirk graced Clarke's features, and Lexa swallowed hard, knowing that she'd been caught staring. 

"You like it," Clarke said in a sing-songy voice.

"I don't know what you're referring to," Lexa replied. She kept her head high, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't chance a look down at the way Clarke's chest plate accentuated her-

"Hello? Earth to Lexa?" Clarke waved a hand in the other girl's face. "You were totally checking me out just then." 

Lexa tried to keep a straight face, but it was quickly replaced with a flustered grin. 

"I must admit, Klark kom Skaikru, your armor suits you. You look stunning. Not that you don't look beautiful at all times, but your... charm is particularly apparent now."

"Charm?" Clarke quipped. "Is that what you call boobs here?" 

Lexa reddened and stayed silent. Clarke let out a little laugh and examined herself more carefully in the mirror. 

"Y'know, I was a little opposed to the idea of getting decked out in battle armor, but I like what you've picked. I look..."

"Hot?" Lexa offered. 

"Exactly," Clarke said as Lexa rolled her eyes. "I could get used to this." 

"Drop the attitude, niron. I'm beginning to see why Bellamy calls you 'princess'."

"Shut up," Clarke groaned, taking Lexa's hand. "We should probably get going." 

"One more kiss before we do?" Lexa asked. 

Clarke happily obliged, meeting Lexa halfway. 

"I'm going to miss your lips."

"Is that all you're going to miss?" Clarke asked suggestively. 

"Well, I'm certainly not going to miss your grumpiness in the morning," Lexa said slyly. 

"It's not my fault you insist on getting up at the asscrack of dawn!" Clarke protested. 

"It is the way of my people," Lexa smirked. "And it wouldn't be a problem if you would actually go to bed. Every Saturday evening, without fail, you go to the tavern and teach the citizens of Polis new drinking games, and you don't come back until very late."

"Yeah, whatever. You know you love me." 

Clarke pulled Lexa firmly against her chest and pressed another kiss to her lips. Lexa smiled but pulled away, causing Clarke to groan in annoyance. 

"We really do have to go."

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