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Lexa could see that Clark was going to lose it before Titus could finish putting the sheets on the bed. She knew how unprofessional it would be if her guest, who she had granted immunity from her blockade, laughed at an esteemed member of her court.

"Hurry up, Titus," she snapped. "Are your bones made of lead?"

That only seemed to make Clarke's face go redder with restrained laughter. She looked helplessly at Lexa, who motioned for her to come closer. Clarke tilted her head in confusion, but Lexa pulled her down to sit next to her and kissed her, hard and needy. All thoughts of laughter fled Clarke's head as she kissed Lexa back, threading her fingers through brown hair.

 Lexa smiled to herself as she felt Clarke melting in her arms. The Skaikru girl was pushing her body into Lexa's so that they were impossibly close. Lexa's thoughts went from This is a great plan that will keep Clarke quiet to How am I possibly going to stop this when I am so weak and gay in a matter of seconds. It was all she could do to pull away and look back at Titus, who stood awkwardly next to her bed. 

She took one look at her advisor's dumbfounded face and smirked slyly, wiping her mouth as though she had just finished a meal. 

"I told you to hurry up, Titus."

Clarke slid carefully off of the other girl's thighs, refusing to make eye contact with the seemingly startled man. Titus cleared his throat. 

"Sha, Heda. Your bed has been made. I cannot fetch you a shirt from market tonight, but I will do so in the morning."

Lexa nodded firmly. 

"Leave us."

Titus did as he was told, not having to be asked twice. Lexa's antics caused Clarke to crack up yet again. Her girlfriend had a sense of humor, much as she tried to hide it. Lexa loved Clarke's laugh, especially when she was the cause of it. 

"That was one hell of a kiss," Clarke chuckled. "I think Titus has seen more than he'd ever care to."

"I do not tolerate languidness," Lexa scoffed, trying to seem like the tough commander she was normally perceived as. "And I believe you were the one who practically sat on my lap."

"You can't just kiss me like that and expect me not to react!" Clarke defended. "Besides, you seemed to have a pretty hard time keeping your cool. My reaction was not what you were expecting, was it?"

Lexa flushed bright red. She ducked her head to try and hide it, but it was no use. Clarke had already seen her face. 

"Are you blushing? Did I make the great Heda blush?" 

Lexa shook her head vigorously as Clarke leaned down to get a better look.

"You are!" she cried triumphantly. "You are blushing! Leksa kom Trikru is blushing." 

"Leave me alone," Lexa moaned, curling into Clarke's side. "It's much too late to tease me about emotions, especially when I have such a hard time controlling my emotions around you."

Clarke rubbed Lexa's back. 

"My poor, exhausted Lexa. You've had quite the day. Are you ready for bed?" 

Lexa yawned, pushing her head further into Clarke's stomach. She felt so content the way she was, but she knew that Clarke must be tired, too, so after a few minutes, she brought herself back to an upright position. 

"Alright, let's go to bed."

"Can I borrow some sleep clothes so that I don't have to go back to my own room?" 

"Of course you can," Lexa smiled. "Chit ste ain ste yun." 

"Ok, I'll be right back with something for you to sleep in, too. Unless you like your bloody shirt and leather pants."

"No, that sounds good. Thank you, Clarke."

"I've never heard you say 'thank you' before," Clarke teased after she returned. 

She managed to get Lexa dressed without causing her too much pain.

"It's not something expected of Heda. My people are supposed to do what they can to make my life easier to show their own gratitude."

"I feel special."

"I've already made it fairly clear that you are," Lexa said. 

Clarke smiled shyly and helped Lexa back over to the bed. The commander leaned back into the pillows and let out a happy sigh, relaxing instantly. She yawned again. 

"How are you this tired already? You took a nap on me earlier," Clarke commented as she slid into bed next to Lexa.

"I got shot."

"Don't ever do it again," Clarke warned. "I'll save your life and then kill you myself. Do you know how freaked out I was? I thought-" 

"Thought what?" Lexa asked, her expression soft. 

"I thought that I was going to lose you. I almost did. You were ready to give up."

"But I didn't," Lexa said. She took Clarke's hand in her own and placed it over her heart. "I'm right here. My heart still beats for you."

"It better stay that way for as long as possible," Clarke mumbled. "I'm gonna roll over now, and you're gonna hug me. You owe me."

For once, Lexa happily allowed herself to be told what to do. She would be happy to follow orders if they involved holding Clarke. The sky had sent this girl, this angel to her to help her become a better leader and a better person. 

"You make me happy," Lexa murmured. 

She saw a smile flicker across Clarke's face as the girl closed her eyes, relaxing into Lexa's touch. Just when Lexa thought she was asleep, she heard a small whisper in the darkness. 

"I love you." 

"I love you," Lexa repeated. "Now sleep."

If Clarke hadn't been so exhausted, she would have had some smart aleck rebuke, something along the lines of, 'You don't have to tell me twice,' but it was all the girl could to just to nod her head before drifting off blissfully in Lexa's arms. 

The two young leaders slept, allowing themselves to forget for a moment that the safety of their people rested upon their shoulders and relishing each other's company, just for the night. 

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