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"Lex, I have to go," Clarke whined, kicking the side of the bed impatiently. Lexa's arms were wound tightly around her waist, and Clarke knew that if she tried to stand up again, her girlfriend would fall out of bed and onto the floor. "Unravel yourself and let me get up. I have a Pike problem to fix."

"No," Lexa moaned, burying her face in Clarke's back. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were bleary, and it was a miracle that she could keep such a strong hold on Clarke's hips. "Stay. I want you to stay."

Clarke sighed. 

"Sweetheart, I have to." 

Lexa sat up and rubbed her eyes, sliding her arms up Clarke's body so they hung around her shoulders. 

"Sweetheart? Is that another pet name?"

"Yup. I told you I'd introduce you to more. I'll give you another one when I get back."

"Or you could just give me another one now, and we could cut out the middleman."

Clarke gave the sleepy girl a pointed look, and Lexa shrugged, arms still around her girlfriend. 

"Worth a shot." She turned suddenly serious. "If I let you go, do you promise you'll come back?"

"Nothing could keep me from you, babe," Clarke answered, giving Lexa a kiss. Lexa held Clarke to her for a few seconds, not wanting this moment to end. 

"I'm sending a horse with you and a guard to ride you to the barricade."

"I didn't expect any less." She finally stood up. "I'm going to get dressed and finish some packing. Tell your guard to meet me by the entrance to Polis with the horse." 

"Ok." Lexa took Clarke's face in her hands and pulled her to her lips. "I love you. So much."

"I love you, too." Clarke smirked. "Bye, babe."

"Goodbye, Niron," Lexa said, giving Clarke one last kiss. "I will see you as soon as it's possible."

Clarke looked back over her shoulder at Lexa, who was still in bed, with a dopey smile and left the room with more reluctance than she would ever admit to. The ride to Arkadia would be long and Lexa-free, not something Clarke was looking forward to. 

She and her guard, a guy named Alec who appeared to be in his early twenties and had not spoken more than three words to her since they had set out, arrived at the barricade after a little over a day of riding. After Alec and the woman in charge exchanged a few words and a handwritten message from Lexa, Clarke was led across the border. She left her horse behind with the grounders since she wouldn't be able to sneak it into Arkadia. 

"Just walk straight and you'll come to the gates," the woman told her. "But, if I were you, I'd veer left and enter from the side. There's a little piece of fencing missing near the corner that Octavia uses to sneak in and out of, but be careful not to touch any of the fence because it's electric. Octavia was in for a quite literal nasty shock." 

"Thank you," Clarke answered. "If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

"You're already doing the most you can, Wanheda." The woman bowed. "I wish the rest of my people would realize that you're one of the good guys."

"Me too," Clarke said grimly. "Thank you. It means a lot. What's your name?" 

"Chlo," the woman answered. 

"Well, thank you, Chlo." Clarke continued on her way.

The walk to Arkadia was a lonely one, leaving time for Clarke to worry about everything: the safety of Lexa, her mother, her friends, her people, herself, the plan she would have to come up with, what she might find in Arkadia, possibly getting caught. She realized then how stupid it was not to at least attempt to contact Octavia before leaving Polis. She didn't know how long she could make it on her own, especially when she was sure Pike had declared her an enemy of the state or something. 

She found the hole in the fence that Chlo had told her about with relative ease. The metal buzzed with electricity, and Clarke took a deep breath before dropping to the ground and wriggling towards the hole in an awkward kind of army crawl. She held her breath the entire time she was painstakingly dragging herself through the small hole, her whole body tense until she was a good three feet from where she could feel the electric current. 

She brushed the dirt from her shirt and jeans and set off to find Octavia. It didn't take long. Before she could walk into the lighted section of the makeshift settlement, a dark figure tackled her. 

"What are you doing?" Octavia hissed, still on top of Clarke. 

"Nice to see you, too," Clarke groaned, trying to free herself. Octavia held her in place.

"You can't just go strutting in there! Pike wants you, dead, Clarke." 

"He can't kill me if I kill him first."

"Oh yeah? With what weapon?"

"I have my bow," Clarke pointed out. Octavia rolled her eyes and stood up, not bothering to help Clarke to her feet. 

"Yeah, and he has a gun on him at all times. What do you think will work better, bullets or arrows? Besides, you can't just kill him with so many people still supporting him. They'll consider you a grounder and turn on you."

"I'd rather be a grounder than an arker right now," Clarke spat. "Jesus Christ, how did this even happen?" 

"You left." Octavia shrugged. "You left, and it broke Bell. Besides you, we listen to him more than anyone else, and when Pike uses fear to get the rest of the Ark to listen to him, and they both pick the same side, they're pretty much unstoppable. People are afraid, Clarke." 

"I know." Clarke sighed and put her hand over her forehead, rubbing her temples. "I know. I just don't know what else to do."

"Well, you're here now. Me, you, and Lincoln will be able to think of something, and then we'll have Monty, and Abby, and Kane, and most of the remaining hundred. But we can't come up with a plan if you're dead."

"Understood." Clarke nodded once and resisted the urge to salute Octavia. "What's our first move?" 

Octavia has a wicked glint in her eye and a devious smile creeps onto her face. 

"First, I was thinking we scare the shit out of Pike."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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