late night thoughts

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so how does this work, brain??? literally, i took a sleeping pill at about midnight. they normally kick in but mine simply didn't. i'm so tired and i keep trying to go to bed, but every time i put my phone down and try to fall asleep i keep being depressed for no good reason.

i keep thinking about the 1975. i saw meet and greet photos that they took with fans. god, id give so much to meet them and have a photo. i keep thinking that i want to see them in concert so badly but i don't know if i can get tickets, let alone afford them. i don't know if i'm going to have to pay for Specific Life Changes That I Shall Not Discuss. how will i afford anything then?

i feel so uncomfortable with change. my life has been a whirlwind this past year. at this point, after everything shifted so dramatically i can't accept change anymore. it makes me break down, and i think about things that i maybe shouldn't obsess over at almost 6 am when i need to sleep.

i don't know if i should up the amount of sleeping pills i'm taking. i take 5mg right now which is the lowest dose and i don't want to be dependent on it. but, what is my alternative?

matt healy needs to exit my brain for 5 minutes so i can fall asleep. and all these sad thoughts about me not coping with changes going on in my life need to stop.

i'm so uncomfortable, and i just want to be comfortable for once.

- dani

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