Chapter 3 - First date

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We stopped again beside a river, just to watch it, Nick's face concentrating on the water as if he was expecting something to happen. Then he turned to face me. "Liz? I was wondering, actually..." Nick hesitated, like he wasn't sure how to ask whatever he had on his mind. "My brother's out of town. Apartment's getting re floored. I need to stay in a hotel and I was thinking I could stay with you. While you're here."

Fuzzy feelings crashed down at those words. Oh fuck. I stiffened at his request, suddenly understanding, feeling my heart sink. So that was why he was nice to me? He wanted to sleep with me?

"I don't do that. I don't sleep with random men. Or familiar ones." 

"No, that isn't what I... I thought you might like a friend. No sex. You help me out by giving me a place to sleep and I help you out by acting as your private tour guide, I'll pay for food and things you'd buy anyway." Nick held out his hands. "I promise, Liz, no funny business. I just like company and I like you. I can even try and get two beds if you like. Besides, I bet you've got a boyfriend at home, or a husband, who'd kill me if I tried. Yes?"

"I'm serious about the sex thing too. I don't do that." I tried to relax. That was a bit of an over-reaction, maybe, but I had to make sure he got that part. "But no boyfriend or husband. I ...haven't had time to date."

"I promise I'll behave. I'll show you around, keep you company, make sure your holiday is good from now on. But-" He paused and stepped closer. "I do want to take you on a date tonight if you're single."

"A date?"

"An innocent date to the movies. Is that all right?" He seemed so careful, so determined to not push it, and I couldn't resist that. That crush I had on him, the one that'd gotten worse all day, wouldn't let me refuse that offer. I nodded and Nick grinned, making my heart flutter, stomach lurch, stepping closer to brush my arms with his hands.

We reached the edge of the park after another fifteen minutes, walking slowly, Nick heading out to hail a cab for us.

"Barneys." He informed the driver, helping me inside after him, and we headed off into the traffic. Nick turned his attention to me. "So what's an op shop? It seriously sells second hand clothing?"

"Not just clothing. Toys, books, that kind of thing. You can find good stuff if you hunt." I held up my little bag. "That's where I got this. Seven dollars."

His eyes went over it and I stroked it protectively. Sure, it was a little worn, one handle was falling apart a bit with the plastic tubing showing, the lining coming apart, but I fully intended on resewing the bits I had to. It was something from India, I suspected, made of stiff fabric and purple and blue cotton with embroidery. "Okay, so it needs some repairs."

"It's nice. You like that kind of stuff?"

"I can't wear their clothing. I get too shy because people look at me." I muttered and he laughed softly. "But I like their bags or scarves or something small. Something that just shows a bit. Jeans are good with anything anyway. I go everywhere in them."

"I'll get you more jeans then." He squeezed my knee, gently, arm brushing against mine. And I like that. I liked that he couldn't seem to stop doing that, touching me, because some part of me wanted to do the exact same thing to him.

I hadn't felt like this about a guy since high school. It was like reverting back to being sixteen. Was it a crush then? Probably.

"Just one."

"Okay, just one." Nick agreed as we pulled up in front of a store. We got out and he paid the cab.

I glanced down the street and saw the green of a park. I tugged at his arm and pointed at it when the cab was gone. "Is that the same garden?"

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