Chapter 7 - The third date

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Nick came in after half an hour over stewing over this. "I'll change and we'll go. You look amazing."

He took out something, heading into the bathroom, and it took him half an hour before he was satisfied, coming out in his boxers. I stood up, as he rummaged through the wardrobe, coming up behind him.

Fingers pressed against his back, making Nick stiffen, my fingertips exploring the curves of his muscles along his back, along his sides, down his arms, up to the nape of his neck where a curl twisted there. I wasn't sure why I was so interested. It just suddenly was, everything about this skin, this back. I wondered why he had a scar there and one there. He breathed in slowly, goosebumps on his arms, holding onto the edge of the wardrobe as if he'd fall over without it.

"Keep that up and I'll need to shower again."

I stood back, a bit embarrassed, and he twisted his head back to grin at me while he dressed. Hand in hand, we headed back out, teasing each other with gentle rubs with the sides of our bodies, my cheeks flustered and Nick's face mirroring it.

First love. It was the most incredible thing in the world. I gazed sideways at him, at this man I wanted to leave my family to stay with, aware that deep down I didn't want anything else now. That reality was frightening and overwhelming, like I could almost sense the time I'd be willing to give him, and the fear deep down that he wasn't serious.

"We're going somewhere special. Your sister said you like to stargaze so..." He squeezed my arm, glancing down at me as we walked, making our way through the streets. "Well, you'll see."

"How much has she told you?"

"A lot." He grinned. "Come on. I'll show you something before we go."

We were heading down streets, I saw a famous street nearby, watching as we walked. Nick gestured towards it. "Times Square."

I looked at it, the heap of cars, and then followed him as we made our way along the streets further. After a ten minute walk we came to an apartment building, Nick leading me through the front doors, and taking a lift up. He tugged keys out of his pocket, pushing them in the door, and opened it.

"This is home."

Nick led me inside, hand in mine, tossing the keys casually onto a table against a wall. I gawked at his home, at his apartment, not what I'd have expected. It wasn't large, sure, but it wasn't small either and I could see Central Park from here. This apartment was anything but shabby either, new carpets down, dark wood for the furniture, perfectly clean, with photos of people on a shelf. Photos and, I saw, the image of a house. He led me through the hall, into a large room, arms tugging me onto a bed.

"This is my room. You're the first woman to come here." He grinned, kissing me, holding me on one of his legs as I looked around. It matched him, a leather backed bed, soft sheets, a master bedroom with marble, doors opening onto that balcony. "My brother sleeps in the other room sometimes, when he's tired from work, but he usually sleeps at his home. Your room..."

He lifted me up, standing, and led me into a spare room. "Is this one. We kept it in case any of our friends needed a place to stay. They don't seem to like New York as much as I do though so you get it. That is, if you still want to ...come back with me."

"Of course I do." I stared around the room, the clean room, with views that people in this city would probably kill for. "Is this a fancy neighbourhood?"

"No point moving here if I don't enjoy it." Nick responded, squeezing my arm. "We could bring your stuff here in the morning before I leave to meet my brother. If you want. Stay here tomorrow night."

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