Chapter 6- Anxiety

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I didn't know about him, but I was already at that state of arousal I'd been in last night in bed, Nick's hips not letting up on me as he'd been on the phone, his hands teasing my breasts. "Giving me the other bra?"

"Not yet. I know you're not ready for sex but-" He leaned closer, kissing me, tugging my legs up higher. "We could ...stay like this. With clothes on."

"Like this?" My heavy breathing hitched as he moved my legs that fraction. Suddenly he was really grinding up against me, really getting to that spot, and he knew it. "Dressed?"

"It'll still feel good." He gazed down at me, eyes going over my open mouth, flushed face, heavy breathing. "Or we could have less clothing so you feel more. I want you to enjoy this."

"How much less?"

Nick shifted off me, fingers on my waistband, undoing the jeans and sliding them off. I watched, legs tightening, embarrassment flooding over me as I was left lying there in just the panties. He gazed up from my feet, throwing it aside, his eyes taking in my bare legs, up my thighs, a knee edging in between my legs and parting them. "If you want me to stop, just tell me."

"I ..." I didn't want him to stop. "No more clothing off?"

"No more off. For now." He agreed, slowly pulling my legs apart, tugging me down the bed, kneeling between me in his pants. Nick leaned down, lowering himself against my body, kissing me hard as he moved gently against me, his attention on every sound I made, like he was watching out for a sign to jump back and stop. His breathing was increasing, faster, his own body rubbing against me through his pants, fingers playing with the sides of my panties like he was tempted to pull them down too...

But he didn't.

I felt empty, somehow, almost wanting him to get rid of the rest of the clothing, but I was too nervous, too afraid of what'd that would mean, accepting this much. We moved against each other, our bare chests rubbing against each other, I could feel his heartbeat and his breathing fast against mine. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, teasing, rubbing, fabric between us... and then it ended, and it blew my mind.  

It was about as close as I'd ever gotten to 'it', and after, when our bodies had come down from the other side, I lay there dazed, face flushed, so aware of the smell of his skin and sweat in my nostrils. 

Nick opened his eyes after a few minutes, catching my expression, my swollen lips, open mouth, eyes half open, breathing hard, and some emotion flooded across his face.

Nick rolled onto his back, slowly. I flopped, exhaustion and relief making me feel like I couldn't move, some deeper need satisfied. I just wanted to lie there. Nick tugged the sheet over us, hands running along my back, kissing my shoulder while we cooled down, a lazy smile on his face.


I nodded. Leaned up to gaze down at him. He looked so satisfied, so relaxed, this was clearly an area of life he knew well. How to please a woman. What was wrong with having sex with him? Having my first time with a guy who treated me so well? Other people had bad memories of it, an unsatisfying time, or a teenager who couldn't last, or some other horror story.

The problem, I realised, was that it wasn't just sex I wanted from him. I wanted a lot more.

"Was that the surprise?" I asked, yawning, and he shook his head. Nick dug into one of his pockets and unfolded something, holding it up for me to see.

"I'm going on the cruise with you."

I stared at it, then at him. "What?"

"You're right. I can't call you my girlfriend without more time together. So we're going to England, and to some restaurant your sister says you like, then you can meet my brother, and then after... after..." Nick hesitated. He sat up, slowly, pulling my legs around his lap so that we were against each other, tugging the sheet around my shoulders. "I was thinking you could stay a bit longer."

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