2; black is the new black

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It was finally the day, the day I had been dreading for the past two weeks; my Aunt Kate's funeral.

That is why I am now sitting in this SUV, dressed in all black, with my grandpa and his annoying 'backup'. All they do is sit, drive, and stare.

"How much longer till we get there, my heels are killing me and we've been riding for hours?" I asked in annoyance.

"Not too much longer sweetheart." Gerard answered from the passenger seat.

"You said that fourty-five minutes ago." I answered back even more annoyed than before.

He turned around and smirked at me while replying, "You are as impatient as your Aunt Kate you know that?"

I just rolled my eyes, crossed my arms over my chest and sat back letting out a sigh. I looked to my left when I heard one of the 'backup' guys laugh. "I don't remember saying anything funny so why are u laughing?" I asked while narrowing my eyes at him.

I heard my grandpa laugh from the front as I watched the guy go back to staring straight ahead with his serious look. I just rolled my eyes again and mumbled seriously under my.

When we finally got to Beacon Hills Cemetery, I was amazed at just how many photographers were there; they had police holding people back from crossing the barriers. I don't know what these people want with photos of someone's funeral. I mean is there no respect for the dead and their loved ones?

When we finally got out of the car, I couldn't resist the groan of happiness that escaped my lips as I stretched my arms and legs, this is why I never wear heels or sit in those damn SUVs us Argent's drive. As we were walking, I watched some kid slide under the barriers as he started to take pictures. I followed where his lens was pointing and saw a girl with dark brown hair, being escorted by what looked like my mom and dad. I guess Gerard noticed too because his speed increased as we changed directions to go towards the boy. The boy was so focused on taking his pictures that when Gerard grabbed the camera out of his hand, he jumped.

"What are you doing?" Gerard asked in his intimidating voice.

"Um, just uh, you know, taking a few pics." The boy answered very nervously. Gerard gave him a look before flipping the camera over.

"Hey man, be careful this camera cost a fortune!" As the boy said this, Gerard found the place where the SD card went and took it out.

"This looks expensive." Gerard said before snapping the card in half effortlessly between two fingers and dropping it to the ground. Gerard then handed the boy his camera before walking off, I turned around to see the boy staring at me with his jaw hung open, I just gave him an apologetic smile before running to catch up with Gerard and his 'backup'.

I have to admit, seeing my mom and dad for the first time makes me nervous, I mean what if they hate me and say no I can't stay with the'. All the bad thoughts were going through my head as we walked up to them. I watched carefully as Gerard gave his son, Chris, a hug and then walked over to Victoria and kissed her on the cheek. I couldn't make eye contact with either of them so I just watched as Gerard walked over to the girl I saw earlier, I noticed she was also watching me, but as soon as she saw me watching, she smiled at me before directing her attention to my grandpa. I then looked up and saw Chris and Victoria in front of me, both of them had eyes filled with tears, seeing that made all my bad thoughts go away my eyes started to burn.

We all embraced each other in a big group hug as I let a couple tears fall down my face.

"Ariella, you have gotten so beautiful" Victoria spoke into my hair, her voice sounded muffled.

When I finally open my eyes I saw the girl watching us with a look that I couldn't tell the emotion of.

"Oh, you do have your father's eyes." Victoria said with a laugh.

I smiled at her and looked to my father and sure enough he had the same blue eyes as me. Once again I looked over their shoulder to the girl and saw that she was talking to Gerard again.

Chris and Victoria must have noticed me look at her because Chris before speaking. "That's your sister, Allison." As soon as he said that my eyes darted straight back to her.

I studied her for a few more seconds before asking, "Does she know about me?" I looked to see them both nodding. "Everything about me?" I asked, putting emphasis on everything. They both nodded again.

I took a deep breath before nodding and walking towards Allison. I sat down in the empty seat to her right and looked over to see her already looking at me, she looked uncomfortable, so I sent her my famous dimply-smile causing her to smile back.

We have the same dimples, I thought to myself, but I must have accidentally said it out loud because Allison started to laugh. Her laugh was contagious, causing the both of us to cover our mouths as we continued to giggle. When we stopped laughing she looked at me with the same look earlier, and I still couldn't read it.

"I'm Ariella, your, uh, sister." I said while giving her a smile.

She looked down before looking up and saying, "I kno- I mean, yeah, um, I'm Allison, your sister."

Out of nervousness, she started looking around and so did I. I looked to my left and saw that the photographers have died down and that the rest of our family was deep in conversation. I looked to my right and noticed two boys watching us from behind a statue. They both looked about Allison's age, one had long shaggy brown hair and the other had a buzz cut, which was all i could tell from this far away. When they saw me looking at them, they hurried up and hid behind the statue. I couldn't help but laugh at their attempt to hide. Allison must have heard me laugh because she turned to me with a questioning look.

"Why is your werewolf friend and that other kid here watching you?" The look on her face was priceless, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

She looked at me for a couple of seconds before finally "How did you know he was a werewolf?"

I smirked to myself before replying. "I didn't, I guessed and you just proved that my guess was right." I shrugged. "But don't worry, I'm not like Kate, I don't kill just to kill, actually, I never have killed. So I just wanna let you know that I'm not here to harm anyone, I know that there are good werewolves that don't harm people and I trust that the wolves you are friends with aren't bad. Just know I will protect my family." After I was done, Allison gave me a big smile and hugged me; she actually hugged me, so I hugged her back.

"I'm really glad that you're more understanding than Kate." She let go of me and continued, "To be honest that's all that I was worried about. I knew Kate trained you and all so I didn't know if you were the good or bad hunter." She smiled once again at me.

"I'm the good guy here, I don't want trouble, just to protect people that need to be protected." I said that more to the wolf than Allison, because I knew he could hear me.

I turned to look at them and when I did I just smiled and waved, the wolf must have heard me and told his friend because instead of hiding like they did before, they smiled and waved back. When I turned back around, I noticed Gerard standing in front of both me and Allison looking in the direction of the boys, but thank god they hid behind the statue again. Ten minutes into the ceremony, I looked over to where the boys were and saw them being snatched up and escorted away by a cop.

[edited on 3/3/'16]


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