4; the little mermaid

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The next morning I woke up early, four in the morning to be exact. I couldn't sleep so I decided to go downstairs and make breakfast for everyone. I don't know why this sudden act of kindness came over me due to the fact that I was still traumatized from last night.

After I cooked the eggs, bacon, and biscuits I heard someone moving around upstairs. I looked at the time and saw that it was now five, must be Allison getting ready for school. After a while, I heard someone walking down the stairs and sure enough, it was Allison who came around the corner, already dressed and ready for school.

"Good morning!" She said way too happily, even though you can tell she's still tired.

"Morning, did I wake you?" I asked with an apologetic smile.

"Yeah, but it's okay. It smells really good in here." She said while I handed her a plate.

There was a moment of silence between us as we ate, so I took it as an opportunity to find out more about her.

"So tell me, who all your friends are and which are supernatural? And don't worry, I'm not gonna harass them, I just figured that if we're living together now then I'm bound to meet your friends so I thought maybe you should inform me on them a little bit " I asked with a smile.

She finished her last piece of bacon before she turned to me and said, "Um, there's Scott he's, uh, a wolf, a beta, and he's the one you saw at the funeral yesterday." She was obviously nervous about telling me and I understood why, so I tried to be as nice as possible.

"Which one? The one with long hair? Or the one with short hair?" I asked.

"Long hair. He was bit by the same alpha that killed Kate." I clenched my jaw at the mention of her words, she must have noticed because she quickly continued. "But Scott never joined his pack; we were all against him so none of the other wolves are murderous." She paused and I nodded for her to continue.

"Um, well let's see, oh, there's Stiles he-"

"Wait, I'm sorry did you say Stiles?" I cut her off, trying to suppress a laugh. She laughed and nodded.

"Yea his name is Stiles, weird right? But anyways, he was the other boy you saw yesterday with Scott. Stiles isn't a werewolf, well he's nothing supernatural just Scotts human friend. Then there's Lydia, my best friend, she just got out of the hospital last night. The night Kate died she was attacked by the same alpha and she's been in the hospital ever since. But, one thing that has us all confused is that when she was attacked the alpha bit her. Her bite never healed like it normally should have, I mean it healed faster than a human but not fast enough for a werewolf. And on top of that, she's not even a werewolf." She said while scrunching her eyebrows together.

I did the same and asked, "Then what the hell is she?"

Allison looked to me and shrugged. "Your guess is better than mine. Lydia's coming back to school today so maybe I can talk to her. And finally there's Jackson, Lydia's ex-boyfriend slash Friend. I don't even know anymore they're just something." She finally said with a laugh.

"Well your friends are definitely more exciting than mine." I told her with a laugh.

"Oh yeah, there's one more person, but I don't consider him a friend, he's also a werewolf, and the new alpha. But don't worry he's not bad, he's actually helping Scott with all this werewolf stuff. Actually, I think you two would get along." She said with a smile.

"Why do you say that?" I asked her, cocking my eyebrow.

"Well because he's not that bad looking of a guy and you're not that bad looking of a girl." She replied smirking at me. I just gave her a serious look before we both burst out laughing.

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