Chapter Three

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Finally, its my turn. I walk normally up to the bowls, and smile as Janet hands me the knife. I stare casually at the Dauntless flames. This will be my new home in a matter of seconds. I pierce the knife into my hand and let the blood trickle into the Dauntless bowl. A look at my family with a quick glance. Natalie is in tears, and so is my mother. Jasmine doesn't know what's happening, so she just smiles. I place the knife gently back into Janet's hand. My hand throbs from the pain of my hand. I walk proudly down from the stage, and stand behind the other Dauntless. One of them pats me on the back. "Welcome to Dauntless" he says, "I'm Jeramiah." I smile.

Once everyone has chosen, all the Dauntless run out of the room, Kaylean runs with me.

"So, you happy you chose Dauntless?" she asks.

"Oh yeah," I reply, "Totally!" I fling my head back, and see Micheal. He waves, but I just turn back around and shake any good or funny memory of Micheal Hamilton I ever had. When the rest of Dauntless ahead of me get to the end of their thundering down the stairs, we reach a grassy field, where I hear a train speeding along the rails.

"Have we got to jump onto a train?!" I yell above the whooping of the other Dauntless.

"Yes we have!" yells Jeramiah over his shoulder.

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