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"Jaebum, it's the morning." Jaebum opened his eyes to see Youngjae's find expression staring back at him. He could feel his face heat up under the look.

"Thank you for waking me up. And for taking care of me. You really didn't have to, so I'm sorry for burdening you. I'll hurry up and leave now." Youngjae quickly sat Jaebum back down on his bed and motioned for him to stay. He ran out of the room and came back with a tray, shocking Jaebum.

"I made you breakfast. At least eat before you leave." Youngjae placed the tray on Jaebum's lap and Jaebum didn't have the heart to refuse.

"You shouldn't have... I really don't want you to waste all this effort on me-"

"It's not a waste," Youngjae insisted. "I want to do this because I care about you. I want you to know you're important to me."

"If this is about what I told you last night, then I'm sorry. But I'd rather you just tell me how it is rather than lie for my sake." Jaebum stared at the food, not interested in taking a bite out of a meal made only because he was pitied.

"Im Jaebum." Youngjae's hands roughly grabbed Jaebum's face and brought his chin up to look him in the eye. "I'm asking for a chance. I like you. I think that giving us a shot would be worth it."

"I've been in this situation before. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to get hurt," Jaebum mumbled, his words coming out so quickly that Youngjae could barely understand what he was saying.

"It won't be like before. Just give me a chance and I'll try—I'll make sure that you get everything that you deserve because you deserve the world. Please."

"Youngjae, I love you but I can't. Besides, you got out of a relationship only a few weeks ago. Isn't it kind of soon?" Jaebum made a move to take the tray off his lap and get up, but Youngjae held his arms still.

"If you haven't noticed, Mark has moved onto Jackson. I'm ready to move on, too. Mark and I never really worked from the start, no matter how much we wanted it to. It's fine. Give me a chance."

"This is all so sudden..." Tears pricked Jaebum's eyes, but he blinked them away. He didn't want to break down in front of Youngjae again.

"It's okay. We can take it slow." Youngjae pulled Jaebum into a hug, and all Jaebum could do was nod.

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