Chapter 1

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This is my second book :) it's not related to my first book but i would like to give this story a try :D hope you like it :)

Chapter 1

Hi,my name is Shaira,i know a beautiful name right? i was suprised my parents even taught about giving me a good name because well my dad is always busy with work,my mom died when i was 9 so she got replaced with my new step mom that always harrases me when i do something she doesnt please.. So i wake up with scars and bruises on my body. "Shaira!where is that wretched girl" my step-mom yelled. As i heard her footsetps coming closer to my room i closed my diary hid it and ran to my closet,i made sure i closed the door of the closet well.. I see her standing in my room with that stick,the stick she uses on me. 'Aha!come here" she yelled while throwing me out of the closet.

"No,please no!"

"You have to learn how to respect me while i call your name"

i had nothing else i can do,i just held my pillow tightly untill all of it was over. I'm suprised my dad doesnt even stop her from hurting me. I forgot to tell you i got cancer,it's the same way my mom died. kind of a known disease to the family.. My dad buys me meds for it but my step-mom never helps me when i need it.

Dinner time,i had to cook and made sure it tasted well.

"Before you eat,take out the trash would you?" my step-mom said

"i will" i head out of the house with the bag of garbage.i looked back and saw that my dad and step-mom had already finished eating. I was about to head back when someone grabbed me by the arm,really hard. "Give me your money" an unfamiliar voice whispered holding a knife on my neck. I was so scared and didnt know what to do. luckily i have about 2 dollars in my pocket so i gave him that.. i kicked him and ran back inside. i looked at him and saw that he was just sitting there,he looks like he was hurt. Did i kick him

too hard? Well he did look hungry,I ran to the kitchen and got what i was suppose to eat but instead gave

it to the guy. "Here" i said taking a step forward. He quickly grabbed it and ate it,boy he ate like an animal.. I looked at him closer but his face was covered. "What's your name?" i asked

'If i told you,you would tell the police on me" well at first i would but it's like i'm not scared him.. This doesn't sound like me at all...

"No i wouldnt,i swear"

"My name is Kendall" he stretched his arm out as he was going to shake my hand

"Hi,my name is Shaira" giving him a smile..

"what are you doing outside?" i said but he didnt have any reply to this..

"uhm,where do you live?" i asked but still no reply

"nowhere" he said suddenly

A cute guy like him lives nowhere? what if i invite him. or is that a horrible idea?

before i could even think straight,i was already blurting out the words.

"Uhm,well i got a small room but you can sleep there if you want" I pity him.He didn't look like a bad guy

he gave a little chuckle "letting a stranger inside your house?"

well that was probably the wrong thing to do but he looks different and i know his not bad. "I know you,so youre not a stranger" i said.

"But what if i hurt you?like what i tried to do a while ago?n

I was pissed,i'm already the nice one here,letting a complete stranger in.

"Do you want my offer or not?"

"Well alright" he replied. I don't mind having a friend. At least I

won't be alone.

As we were about to go upstairs i collapsed infront of him,i couldnt breathe and i could see nothing but blurs. i kinda saw him carry me up to my room "where is your meds?" he asked i ponted

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