Chapter 5 (A new beginning)

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I finally got enough money to buy a ticket for korea. I can get out of this place,i didn't want to leave my dad but i know he would be okay and i want to leave my step-mom. I miss my mom,you know that feeling when you are gonna do something stupid but you can feel your mom still supporting you even she's gone,well that's the feeling i get now cuz i'm about to do something stupid but it's all for love which makes it worth it.

-- Father's POV --

"She's dead" said the police

"You got no proof sir!"

"someone said they saw her at the beach when she drowned,and i heard that she has cancer so i'm sure she couldn't have survived that. We are trying to find her body sir."

"Search harder!"

"honey,everything will be okay." my wife said making me feel better

"no! i love shaira,she's so important to me" i started to break down to tears.. Of course shaira means the world to me,she reminds me so much of her mother.

-- Shaira's POV --

"Finally here in korea!" i said to myself. I faked my death.. I knew someone was following me while i went to the beach.. I know that person could be a witness so they would believeit.i faked my death by pretending that i drowned but really i took swimming lessons last year. My dad never knew so i pretended to drown then slowly sink but i was just swimming to a boat which was far away from the beach. It's hard when you have cancer but i did it. I know my dad would be worried sick by now but i know he still believes i'm not dead until they find my body.

"Uhm,excuse me do you know where this guy could be?" i asked the tourist guy.

"i'm sorry ma'am,no"

"oh okay,thank you" stupid me,Korea is a big place of course it wouldnt be easy finding him. After a long day of searching i went to this restaurant to rest for a while..

"Uhm i'll have a salad please and water,thank you." of course my budget isnt enough so i gotta budget what i eat or do.

I was enjoying myself eating when i looked to my left and saw a gang,i hate gangs.. Why couldnt they just leave peacefully without any killing? they were surrounded by girls. "Boys" i said to myself while shaking my head. I looked closer cuz i thought i saw Kendall,my eyes widened when it was him. but i frowned.. duhh he was surrounded with girls,of course it's been like 5 years maybe he has forgotten me. He looked my way and i saw his expression so i quickly ran outside as fast as i can. "wew,that was close" I didnt want him to see me now,i know he has moved on.. I looked for a place to stay for the night,luckily i found a cozy hotel that isnt that expensive. All i wanted to do now was rest,my trip here was worthless,or maybe not? What if i join their gang,i know it might sound crazy but it's worth a shot right? all i have to do is look like a guy then i'm in. It couldnt be that hard, alright shaira you can do this,get a good night's sleep for tomorrow.

What trouble has shaira gotten into? well it just proves that she loves kendall so much. let's see what happens. :D wait for the next chapter :) thanks for all your support! fan/comment/vote/read <3 -chery xoxo

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