Chapter 13 (It's A Date)

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"R-r-riiinggg"my phone was ringing,who could it be? I looked at the screen,just a number.

It wasn't even a call. It was a text message with a file attached.

Click open,aww that's kind of sweet.

Daniel sent me a message with his picture still hanging from the tree with paper in his hands,it says I'm

sorry,one more chance please" he was even pouting.

Should i?should i?should i? That keeps on replaying on my mind.Well it wouldn't hurt to

give it a try.

"Meet me tomorrow at the restaurant across the street" i replied to him.

Alright now what should i wear? Maybe my cute t-shirt with my pink skirt?

Why am i even worrying about this? not like it matters or does it?

I should just get some beauty sleep.

I woke up at about 9 in the morning,i looked at the sun by my window.

It's a beautiful day i thought. I'll go get a jog first.

"Hey shai,i'll just go for a jog"


Shai looked troubled,wonder why? I'll ask later.

A little bit of stretching and let's jog! On my way i saw couples everywhere,either hugging or walking together,how sweet was that?

"Buy some of our cakes now!" a sales lady asked me.

"Oh how cute,how much?"

"3 dollars"

You know what i just realized,i liked daniel i was just denying this before because of my broken

heart,a guy that puts that much effort deserves a chance.

"One cake please and write, YES"

"I'm sensing you have a special someone little lady?"

I felt my cheeks turn red,gosh was i blushing?

"Yes,kind of"

"Well,don't let him go then."

I wanted to giggle "i won't" giving her a smile

I walked away with the cake and when i got home,i put it inside the fridge. I hope he'll like it.

A few hours have passed,i was excited, I wanted to tell him what i really feel. That

i love him with all my heart.

I took one more look at the mirror,i look good.

Oh,i can't forget the cake. I skipped my way to the restaurant.

I looked at the window to check where he is. I like to look first,because i don't want to go in their and look

for the table,it's much better for me to see first where he is.

There he is,wait with another girl? I saw him hugging her and kissing her lightly on the cheek.

He saw me just staring at him with tears scrolling down my face.

He ran outside and took my arm but i pulled it away,"Let me explain kathryn"

"What's to explain?"

"Look she's-"

"Stop it! Did you just want to break my heart? Huh? Here!" I handed him the box that contained

the cake,he opened it and then looked at me.

"Look at the cake again" i said,when i saw his eyes on the cake,i kicked it up to reach

his face,now he looked like a clown. I was hurt so much.

"You deserve that!" and i walked away.

A/N: aww :( sad? 10 more likes please! :) hope you liked it. FUZZY FUZZY!


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