Chapter 3.

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The next day I woke up and went for a morning jog. I was happy I didn't wake up hungover. Despite the time of the year, I woke up today feeling good. I guess the fact I didn't have to turn over in my bed and see that big old ogre next to me made me feel good.

That was shortly lived as once back home, his presence was felt.

"What's all this?" I asked when I came into the kitchen.


"Yeah I know, but... bacon, eggs, pancakes, sausages? What's the occasion?"

"Nothing. Can't I treat my wife?"

See, when he is like this I think it's sweet but I also know my husband and know that there's nothing ever just "sweet" about the things he decides to do.

"You've been speaking to my mother haven't you?"

"Your mum? No. Why should I? Oh that reminds me actually I saw two missed calls from her. Was meant to call her back.

Oh? Maybe this is genuine.

"I don't know. Just thought you was doing this because mum may have told you to."

"Nope! Off my own free will. Now would you sit down and eat!! You must be hungry."

"Mmm yeah I am."

"You got up quite early. I don't know how you do it. Although one day I wanna come with you." Troy said as he dished out my food then his.

"Thanks," I said as he gave me my plate. "Erm, you're a smoker so I don't think jogging is for you."

"I think you'll find I am quite fit!" He said making me laugh.

"Right. Sure."

We continued talking and I hated to admit it but I did enjoy this.

"So how's work going?"

"Yeah. It's good you know. With the promotion I've got to do more admin stuff but I still get to be with the kids."

"You sure do love these kids don't you?"

"Yeah, yeah I do."

"It's cute. So with the promotion that means a better salary?"


"That's good; so are you still saving?"

Uh oh.

"Yep, still saving."

"Good good. Soooo, you know I want to expand on my cab company business..."

And there we have it ladies and gentlemen. The reason for this breakfast. My fucking money.

"I knew this breakfast was too good to be true..."

"No wait! Just hear me out!"

"No Troy! I won't! Because no matter what you say... I'm NOT parting with my money. Not one penny! So don't bother asking!"

"I don't know why you won't help your husband out! All I need is a few thousand to get the app business running like Uber, Addison Lee and the others!"

"A few thousand...? Ha. Okay so answer me this. Why not just go and ask the bank?!"

"You know why!" He growled.

"Oh I know YOU have bad credit but the business?"

"Ever since the incident and the pending law suit, nobody will invest in me."

"Right, but I should?"

"Well you are my wife!"

"Ha! When it suits you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You only come to me when you're screwed, but wasn't you the same one that asked for a prenup; so I couldn't take your money when business was booming, even though I was the one who helped you build Turbo Cars from the bottom?!"

"Yes." He said through gritted teeth.

"Right. Well I don't owe you nothing. Wife or not."

"It's not like I'm asking for you to give it to me! I'll pay you back!"

"Yeah, well if the banks won't invest in you neither will I! I'm sorry but like you, I have a business venture!"


"Excuse me?!"

"You're never going to own your nursery!"


"Look Sash..."

"No! Don't!" I said as I got up.

"You haven't finished your breakfast."

"All of a sudden I'm not hungry."

"It's always got to be something with you isn't it? Can't we just get along for one day?"

"HA! Don't make me laugh! You wasn't trying to get along! You was just trying to sweet me up for my money! I'm so sick of you and your shit! As if yesterday wasn't enough, you just want to continue adding more reasons for me to loathe you even more!"

"Yesterday? What happened yesterday?"

Count to 10 Sasha... count to 10.

"Oh nothingggg... yesterday was just only 10 years since you KILLED YOUR SON!!" I said before walking off and slamming the bedroom door shut.

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