A Chilling Experiment (Natsu x Reader)

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Request From =  DreamyEnder 

Anime = Fairytail

~Natsu's POV~

"Oi, Ice Fairy!" I call out to Gray. Lucy slaps me a second later, of course. "Ow, what was that for?" I complain to my partner. She scoffs as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You shouldn't insult the person you want help from!" She whisper-yells at me. Happy nods along, agreeing with the female. I nod as well, pondering this piece of advice. Sadly, this particular bit of Lucy's wisdom is lost to me as Gray arrives. "What do you need, Flame-Brain?" He asks me.

"Hey, don't call me a flame brain!" I respond quickly. Gray smirks. "Oh yeah? Why shouldn't I, Smoke-Breath?"

We go back and forth like this for about three minutes, our voices rising to a steady roar. Soon, we've gathered an attentive audience, most of which are screaming, "Fight, fight, fight!" Gray and I, have however reached a new record in avoiding a fistfight, instead using ridiculous nicknames as weapons. Unfortunately for us, Erza has returned from a mission, and as usual, she has no time for our bickering. "Is there a problem here?" She asks loudly, hinting for us to shut up. We quickly stop shouting and force smiles on our faces. In a stroke of genius, I grab Gray's hand and start shaking it. "Oh, nothing's wrong at all, Erza. Gray just agreed to help me with my problem, that's all." Gray's pained smile slides off into a temporary face of disgruntlement, before he nods quickly and ferociously. Lucy's staring at me in shock, looking frantically from our intertwined hands and my serious yet joyful face. Erza looks satisfied at our mutual agreement, and she nods slightly. 

"So, what's your problem, Natsu? I would like to assist you as well." I let go of Gray's hand and turn to Erza, a consistent stammer escaping my mouth. "R-Right, I, um, I n-need h-help w-with, u-um, g-getting Y-Y/N t-to g-go o-on a d-date w-with m-me?" I half say, half question.  Erza looks pleasantly surprised for about a second before she shoves both me and Gray to a near table and yells, "Mirajane, get me a slice of cake, please!" I get a glimpse of Gray's disgust as he hisses, "You want Y/N to date you?" Erza turns around and answers for me. "I personally support this idea." Our jaws both drop at the same time in disbelief. "Now, Gray, you're Y/N's best friend, correct?" Gray nods proudly. Erza smiles mischievously and replies, "Good, now all we have to do is follow my plan..."


~Y/N's POV~

I walk into the Guildhall happily, nearly bouncing with joy. I've been sick for the last few days, so I haven't seen my friends in what feels like forever. I'm greeted by Happy, Gray, and Erza, which upsets me slightly because I was hoping to be greeted by my crush, Natsu. I shrug it off though, because my best friend, Gray, had invited me for a day out after my days of sitting inside. As I say hello to everyone, I naturally gravitate towards my friend, and the moment I'm within earshot, I question him. "Where's Natsu?" Gray shrugs, and I internally slap myself. After all, why would Natsu's worst friend (Frenemy?) know where he was? 

Goal #1: Step 1 - POSITIVE 

We amble around Magnolia, glancing at all the shops, restaurants, and taverns open for business. (We like to compare it to window shopping) As we walk around, all of the pink heads seem to catch my eye, so much that Gray notices and asks me about it. I blush and wave it off frantically. "It's nothing, nothing! Oh, can we go to that bakery?" Gray's eyebrow twitches as if he's about to question me further, but decides to let my oddity slide.

Goal #1: Step 2 - POSITIVE   

After stopping at the bakery (where I bought Natsu a mini lava cake and Happy a salmon cookie) Gray suggests that we go to a new park which had opened a few days before. I agree, and we walk to the beautiful forested area. On the way, I spot a certain exceed. "Hey! Happy! Come here!" I yell out to the winged cat. "Happy!" As he makes his way to us, I turn to Gray and smile. "Maybe he'll be able to tell me where Natsu is?" Gray rolls his eyes but nods reluctantly. 

"Hey, Y/N! Are you back and about, looking for jobs?" Happy asks happily. I nod, smiling in return. Happy's smile grows wider and he calls out, "NATSU! Y/N'S HERE!" A moment later, said wizard appears and he smile at me. "Hey, Y/N! I haven't seen you in while." I smile back at him and laugh. "Same to you, Natsu! Lucy tells me you've been- Natsu? What are you doing?" Natsu has kneeled in front of me and grabbed my hand, bringing it up to his lips. Placing his lips on my hand, he mumbles, "Y/N, will you go out with me?"

I'm in shock. "Y-Yes..?" I say slowly, not believing my luck. Natsu looks at me, his eyes sparkling in happiness, excitement, and of course, disbelief. "Yes! I would!" I repeat, laughing and jumping onto the pink-haired man. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Natsu smiles at me and picks me up. "Come on! Let's go to a..." I cut him off. "Restaurant?" He nods in relief. I smile and kiss his cheek tentatively, talking against his skin. "I bought you a lava cake..." His face lights up in joy and I laugh.

Erza's Plan to Get Natsu and Y/N Together:

Goal #1: Does Y/N like Natsu?

Step 1 - Will she notice  his absence?

Step 2 - Will she look for him?

Goal #2: Will Y/N marry Natsu?

Step 1 -  Enough said.

Gray looks up in shock as he stares at Erza. "Erza... IF THAT FLAME_BRAIN MARRIES MY BEST FRIEND... I'LL-" He's cut off by Erza's metal covered hand. "Hmm?"

I hope you enjoyed that one shot! I haven't watched Fairytail in while, so I tried my hardest with the characters I remember!

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