Expertise Cooking and Amateur Love (Chef!Zero x Reader)

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Request From = KitKatChibi697

Anime = Vampire Knight

(A/N: So, this is an AU where Zero is a famous chef and you are his best friend. Sorry if it's not quite what you wanted, Kitty! And the video is the song you were listening to in the beginning of the one-shot. Go listen to the Vamps, they're great musicians!)

~Y/N's POV~

I spin around the hotel room as I listen to one of my favorite songs, All Night. "I been up all night, no sleep." I mumble quietly. "Really? Do you have to sing whenever you listen to music?" Zero asks me while sitting up on his bed. I turn around and glare at him. "Do you have an issue with the way I choose to spend my evenings?" Zero groans and falls onto the bed again. "And if I do? We are  sharing a hotel room." I roll my eyes before answering. "Mmm, yeah, and we're also best friends, so we share a life." It's Zero's turn to roll his eyes and he does so with a flourish, afterwards replying. "That may be true, but I have a really big competition tomorrow, and I'd like to get a good night's sleep. So, if you could, just go to bed." I fall onto my own bed and sink into the much too soft pillows. "You're always ruining my plans." I whine as I turn off my phone. "Hey, you're the one who wanted  to come with me on my tour, or whatever you'd call this," Zero complains. I smile at him and say, "And you're the one who wanted some company, so just go to sleep!"

"You're impossible," He tells me before turning off the lights.

-The Next Morning-   

"ZERO KIRYU, GET OUT OF YOUR BED AND TAKE A SHOWER!" I yell at my friend, who's really been annoying me with his habit of sleeping in lately. He stuffs his head further into the pillows and mumbles something which I can't quite understand through the thick fabric. "Come on, Zero. I didn't come with you so that I could be your nanny!" Zero raises his head for a moment and asks, "You didn't?" Before he falls asleep again. "ZERO!"

I finally drag the silver-haired boy out of his bed and guide him to the bathroom. "Now, get ready. And hurry, because it's already ten!" This seems to wake him up, and he rushes into the bathroom, yelling back at me, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I sigh and don't respond, instead gathering Zero's three special ingredients and stuffing them into his bag. I put a singular earbud into my ear and place my phone in my jeans' pocket, blasting my favorite song at the loudest volume I can without annoying Zero. I tap my finger on the table to the beat, mouthing the words so that I can pretend that I'm not halfway across the world in a hotel room with a boy who is not only my best friend, but also makes my heart beat a mile a minute at the mere thought of his hand holding mine.

Oh, yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am in love with my best friend. It's cliché, and desperately pathetic, but it's true. That's why I follow him everywhere, and play the role of the faithful best friend. I've never even mentioned liking anyone, because I hope to tip off Zero about the fact that I love him. I find myself rolling my eyes at the thought of my usually perceptive best friend. I exhale and tilt my head back, glancing up at the ceiling before looking back at the door, waiting for Zero to emerge, ready to jump into the car and let me drive him all the way to the stadium, where he'll compete against Kaname Kuran, his biggest rival.

As I anticipated, Zero bursts out of the door and flies past me, motioning for me to follow. I smile and grab my keys. "Wait up, Mr. Kiryu!" I call in unison with all of the reporters, fangirls, and journalists who are desperate to get the famous Zero Kiryu's attention. Sometimes I'm not sure if they want the attention of my best friend, Zero, or if they want the attention of the spectacular Chef Kiryu. Zero rolls his eyes at me as he slips into the car and I wink at him as I close the door of the driver's seat behind me. "I feel like I'm nothing more than your chauffeur most of the time," I tell Zero as I start up the car and drive off in the direction of the stadium. Zero scoffs. "You know that's just because you avoid reporters like they were the black plague, right?" I nod, earning a smile.

"So, what are you cooking today?" I ask while turning my blinker on. Zero shrugs, meaning that he knows, but he won't tell me. I sigh and tap my finger against the steering wheel. "Ahem," Zero starts. "I don't have  to tell you anything." I laugh. "Well, maybe you should  tell me." I say, driving off the highway. "I won't." Zero states, turning his beloved spatula over and over in his hands. Zero has used that spatula as his good luck charm ever since he discovered his love for cooking, and me as a chauffeur to every competition he's won, so you could say that I'm part of a complex system which ensures his victory. 

I park neatly, because despite my wild appearance, I'm kind of a stickler for symmetry. Zero exits the car quickly, grabbing all of his supplies and rushing towards the building, despite the fact that he's fifteen minutes early. I lean back in my chair and sigh, releasing some tension before I'd have to talk to all of the fangirls, rivals, and of course, Yuki.

Yuki Cross is what some would refer to Kaname's equivalent to me. And she's also an annoying brat who some sort of disillusion that we're best friends. I hate the girl, but she seeks me out at every event we attend together. The thing is, no one is really sure what her relationship is with Kaname. They could be siblings, dating, friends, or cousins as far as anyone knows. This makes me a tad apprehensive because I think she has a crush on Zero. In conclusion, I avoid Yuki almost as much as I avoid the press.

"Y/N! Oh wow, I can't believe you're here!" Yuki gushes as soon as she sees me. I send her a weak smile as I walk in Zero's direction. Zero winks at me and motions in my direction while talking to the reporter/fangirl who's talking to him. "Oh, is that your chauffeur?" She asks with a sickly sweet voice, the kind that makes you think that she swallowed a cupful of sugar instead of coffee in the morning. I frown and open my mouth to disagree before Zero wraps his arm around my waist, making my mouth close and my heart rate speed up by about ninety miles. "She's my girlfriend," He says before placing his lips on mine.

His soft lips caress my lips as if asking a question, one that I answer happily. When he pulls off of me, the reporter has left and I'm still in a daze. "Z-Zero?" I ask him for confirmation that we're officially a couple. Zero smiles at me and says, "I thought I might as well make it official, since everyone's been shipping us,  and we both love each other." I smile back at him before pecking him on the cheek. "Alright, now go beat Kuran into the next century!"             

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