Valentine's Day (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)

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Anime = My Hero Academia 

(A/N: I usually don't update this book unless I have a request(Or, ever, really) but my sister and I exchanged Valentine's Day oneshots, and I'm posting the one I wrote for her here. It's kind of a fanfiction of her fanfiction, "Freckles" which is a DekuxReader, so go check it out! Also, I obviously wrote this to be tailored to her, so... Hope you enjoy! (Also, is this 3,017 words? Yes. Do I go overboard? Yes.))

Thursday, February 12: A Regular Day

Love was in the air at UA. Or, to be more precise, heart-shaped chocolate and flowers were in the air. It was Valentine's day week, and Deku was pretty sure that everyone had lost their minds. All the girls could talk about was who they were going to give their gifts to, and all the boys could talk about was who they wanted gifts from. He heard the discussions everywhere he went.

At the grocery store while he was shopping for food for those late nights studying, he overheard two girls excitedly talking about the types of chocolate they were going to make for their chocolates. At the mall when he was standing in line for the latest special Edition All Might Figurine (All Rights Reserved), two dorky boys were speculating about which one of them was going to get chocolate from their cute geeky friend. At a convenience store when he was looking for gum, the clerk was angrily yelling into a phone about how "she wasn't going to give her boyfriend chocolate because he wouldn't wash the dishes on his night."

Even when he was at school, he overheard kids talking about it. In the halls he heard some of the older guys discussing the cutest girls in their classes and arguing about which girls would choose them. In class Kaminari and Mineta elaborately planned out which girl from class 1A was going to give which boy chocolate (They were very, very wrong). During lunch random girls approached him and asked him if they could give him gifts (He always said no). Once he even overheard (eavesdropped on) the girls discussing their potential gift giving plans in the common room after school.

Few things made Deku as nervous as the concept of receiving chocolate. No one had ever even looked twice at him in middle school, but ever since he'd inherited One For All, it had been a different story. What was he supposed to do if some girl took the time and effort to make him homemade chocolate and then gathered the courage to give them to him as a confession? How do you kindly refuse chocolate from someone you don't like without crushing her heart? Or how do you accept chocolate from someone you don't like without leading them on? He wasn't even sure what the right question was at this point.

And on top of worrying about receiving a gift, he was worried about giving a gift! He'd boughten tickets for a cartoon exhibit in a local museum for this weekend three weeks ago on a whim. He remembered that Y/N liked to draw and before wanting to become a hero, wanted to be an animator. He was probably in a studying-fever induced delirium, but he decided it was a good idea to buy two tickets and ask her to the exhibit. It was only the next morning when he was about to ask Y/N that Deku realized the tickets were for Valentine's Day. He didn't want it to come off as a date. (Unless she wanted to go on a date with him. Then maybe it wouldn't be so bad.)

Unfortunately, he still had the tickets, and common sense convinced him that not going would be a waste of money and teenage boy logic convinced him that since he had bought the tickets for Y/N, he had to give them to her. Which leads to the current predicament the green-haired boy was in.

He'd been trying to ask her for the past three days, but every time was thwarted. He was beginning to believe the universe had it out for him. On Monday, he'd planned on asking her, but she was feeling sick and didn't go to school. She was back on Tuesday, but in the morning, she was busy arguing (exchanging witty and sarcastic remarks) with Kacchan. During lunch, she looked so dedicated to copying Momoyao's notes that he couldn't bring himself to interrupt. And, well, after school was the day he overheard (eavesdropped on) the girls talking about Valentine's Day. There was no way he could interrupt that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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