Sweet and Sour (Death The Kid x Reader)

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Anime: Soul Eater

Request: MelodyEvergreen

(A/N: A million apologies for not writing this sooner!)

You had never really noticed symmetry until you met your current boyfriend. You noticed that it made him uneasy when things were unsymmetrical, so you started to make things as symmetrical as possible as long as it was in your power, of course. You were just sweet like that. 

In fact, people called you the "Sweet and Sour" couple because of your kind manner and his ability to make people uncomfortable with his overbearing personality. You didn't care, because, hey, your relationship was yours and who cares what other people think? You just enjoyed spending time with Kid. 

However, eventually it got to be a little too much. You mentioned this to Kid once. 

"Hey, have you noticed how people call us the Sweet and Sour couple?" You asked one day while you were doing your homework at Kid's house. 

He hummed in response. 

"Does it bother you? Because I didn't really mind it until people started to refer to me as 'Sweetie' which bothers me because I have a name." You continued. 

"Wait, so that's why people keep talking about sweet lemonade?" Kid asked. "We're the sweet and sour couple?"

You stared at him. "You didn't know that?" 

"I don't really pay much attention to school gossip." He said, shrugging. 

"Your dad is literally the headmaster." You reminded him. "Shouldn't you be caught up on all of the gossip?"

"Exactly, my dad is the headmaster, not me." He said. "Anyway, if it bothers you then we should ask them to stop." 

"I guess you're right. But do you think that they'll actually stop?" You asked. 

"I don't know, but we can't do anything about it right now so why don't we finish our homework?" Kid said nonchalantly. 

"Yeah, okay."

-Time Skip-

The next day Kid and you stood at the front of the school and asked everyone who came through to stop calling you the sweet and sour couple. Your approaches were a bit different, though. 

"Hey, can you please stop calling us the 'Sweet and Sour' couple? It kind of offends me. Thank you!" 

"Stop calling us the Sweet and Sour couple. Also, adjust your tie." 

Once you had caught every student you turned to your boyfriend smiling. "Hopefully they stop now. " You said cheerfully, adjusting his tie-clip thing slightly. 

"Thank you." Kid said. "Let's go to class so that we can see if they stop."

"Okay, see you at lunch!" You said, walking into the building. Normally you would be going to the same class as Kid, but today you, the leader of the newspaper, happen to have a meeting in the library so you're heading there. 

Once you got there you wait for the rest of the newspaper club. After a few moments you realize that your meeting was moved to Friday instead of Thursday because some of the members had an important test that they needed to attend. You sighed and stood up, pushing your chair in and walking towards the exit. 

"Y/N?" A voice said from the back of the library. 

You turned around and asked, "Yes?" 

A short boy came out and walked towards you. "H-Hi!" He said.

"Um, hello." You said. "Do I know you?"

"Probably not. I'm one of the library aides." The boy said. "I've had a crush on you for a really long time now."

"Oh, uh, that's sweet." You said, still confused since you had never seen him in the library. 

"I was even the person who started the rumor that you were the sweet and sour couple!"

You frowned. 

"And this morning just deepened my opinion! I think that Kid is much to mean for a sweet thing like you and you should date me instead!" He told you, taking a step closer. 

"I'm sorry, but I don't even know who you are." You said, taking a step towards the door. 

The boy frowned. "But that won't do at all." 

"What do you mean?" You asked hesitantly, reaching for the doorknob. You fingers closed around it and tried to open the door. It was locked. The boy laughed at your bewildered expression. "You locked me in?" You asked, getting kind of angry. "What the heck? Listen, this isn't a very good way to make someone like you." 

The boy laughed again. "You assume that my goal is to make you like me." He closed his eyes and sighed slowly. His body began to decay and rot in front of your eyes, slowly transforming into a skeleton. You were shocked, but not particularly scared since you were a top notch weapon, after all. 

"I just want you to stay with me forever." A deep and raspy voice filled the library. 

You sighed. "Listen, I have a boyfriend."

"How do you know that I didn't kill him?" The voice asked. 

You stared at the skeleton and crossed your arms over your chest. "He's literally standing right there." You said, pointing a single finger at the giant window. True to your word, Kid was standing there, fuming. "You need to find a better place to try to kidnap girls." 

"But he can't get in." The voice cackled.  A moment later a rock came flying through the window, glass shattering everywhere. Kid stepped in a moment later. The skeleton turned to look at you angered boyfriend. "Okay, maybe he can." The voice said, disappointedly. It suddenly perked up. "But he doesn't have a weapon, so he can't do anything."

You stared at the skeleton again before saying, "He is literally Death the Kid. And I'm a weapon." You said, gesturing to yourself. After explaining you leapt towards Kid and transformed into a rifle. 

"I know you don't like being unsymmetrical, but you need to take care of this, whatever this thing is." You told Kid. He nodded reluctantly. 

-Time Skip-

"Okay, so what was that?" You asked Kid as the two of you cleaned up the glass on the library floor. 

"That was a Keishin that my dad told me he's been trying to get rid of since the school opened. It appears every 50 years and tries to capture a young girl. It's never succeeded but it's also avoided capture until now." Kid told you. 

"Oh. Why haven't I heard of it before? Shouldn't you run a introductory course on safety in the beginning of the year?" You asked. 

"Well, we do, every 50 years, but this was actually only the 48th year since it last appeared so no one was expecting it." Kid said. 

"And how did you figure out that I was trapped in the library?" 

"We realized pretty quickly that the newspaper meeting was actually tomorrow and Stein sent me to get you. When the library door didn't open I went to the window to see what was going on."

"I was hoping it was your magical boyfriend sense."

"We can go with that, too."

You laughed. 

"Let's go tell my dad what happened." He said. 

"Okay, let me just fix your clip." You said, grabbing onto the skull.

He looked down and then said, "But my clip is fine." 

You smiled and pulled him towards you to kiss him.  

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