Chapter One// meeting the winchesters

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"Indi! Come on we have to go!!"
Indi sighed "Coming!.. son of a bitch"
"I HEARD THAT!" Amie laughed.
Amie had just heard of a new case. The drive was about a day or so, so they decided to leave as soon as possible. Indi pushed past Amie, bumping her arm.
Indi chuckled. "Never gets old."
They threw the last of their bags into the car.
"I'm driving. My car, my rules." Amie said, Indi rolled her eyes and walked around, stepping into the passenger seat. Amie started up the car and they started driving..
"Sam, someone slashed my baby's tires! How are we meant to complete this?" Dean said, frustrated.
"I don't know Dean, maybe we can hitchhike for a bi-"
Dean was obviously very pissed off.
Next minute they heard a car drive towards them, parking next.
"Need any help boys?" Indi called out, Sam turned around to the voice. His jaw dropped, the voice belonged to the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen.
"I think we can manage thanks" Dean responded.
"Um, I don't know if you noticed or not but your tires are kinda slashed."
"I've noticed that, Princess!" Dean yelled back towards Amie. She got out of the car and shoved her finger in his face. "Call me princess again, I dare ya." She said. Sam and Indi watched, Sam already knew how Dean would react, being the stubborn older brother.
"Calm down Princ-"
Dean couldn't even finish his sentence before a fist flew into his arm.
"Ooh. Fiesty. I can dig." Dean said, rubbing his arm and turning back towards his car. "Shut it, or a punch in the arm isn't the only thing i'll give ya. Now do you want a lift or no? I can tow your filth car too." Amie smirked, Sam glared at Indi knowing Dean was about to scream.

"WHAT IS FILTH, I DON'T THINK YOUR TALKING ABOUT MY BABY YOU MUST BE TAKING ABOUT YOUR CAR DO YOU WANT TO BE MURDERED?!!?!!?!?!" Dean continued rambling on about his 'Precious baby' while Indi and Sam talked.

"well, Guessing Dean is stubborn? sorry about Amie. She can be a bitch to some." Indi giggled, Sam smirked.

"don't worry, Dean's no better. What were you guys doing anyways? and why do you have a salt necklace on?" Sam asked. He knew what they were doing, he peaked in the car and saw a fake ID. He could tell they Were hunters.

"Oh um, don't worry aha. just a road trip." Indi giggled.

"A road trip full of supernatural beings trying to destroy humanity?" Sam chuckled. Indi rolled her eyes.

"Fucking bitch!" Dean yelled, the two sane people turned around to see Amie fixing his tyres, the issue, The only spare tyres she had were bright purple.

"Look, I wan't to be as far away from you as much as you do me, but unless you shut your trap and let me do this, We will be stuck together." Amie responded, obviously annoyed.

Next minute, Amie began spray painting the tyre's color, to a very dark shade of blue, almost black but not. it was barely even noticeable.

"is that better, fucking drama queen.." Amie said, annoyed,cold and tired. Dean nodded, checking out his new set of wheels.

Indi and Sam walked over to Dean and Amie. They both were smiling.

"Stranger, Dean or whatever. You gonna help me throw these busted wheels into the back of my truck or am I doing it myself." Amie asked, tiredly. Dean shrugged and grabbed a Tyre, throwing it into the back with the rest of them, tying it in securely.

It was late, probably 11pm, by the time everything was packed up everyone was too exhausted to drive anywhere. Indi spoke up.
"We can camp out in the cars or under the stars." She suggested. everyone agreed to just stay put, so no more car parts become damaged.

"I have 2 blow up mattresses, a portable pump and a couple camping mats. I also have 2 sleeping bags, 4 pillows and a blanket." Amie claimed. she hopped into the back of her truck, pulling everything out.

"Well, It's a pretty cold night. I suggest we blow up the mattresses, push the together and lay all together. it sounds weird but at the moment we all need sleep. we have a double and a single mattress" Indi suggested. Sam nodded and Dean shrugged. the boys began blowing up the mattresses and Amie walked off to her truck to turn on the radio for a bit. She laid across the hood of the truck, listening to some Metallica. Indi sat by the boys, wanting to offer help, but not wanting to annoy. she just sat there quietly. Sam and Dean blew up the mattresses and made the bed.

"Okay the order goes Dean, Amie, Indi and Me." Sam said, yawning. The girls both shrugged and jumped onto the mattresses. Dean and Sam climbed in. No one talked, no one whispered. everyone just lay awake looking at the sky. Sam was the first to fall asleep, Then followed by Amie. Next was Dean then Indi. They each dreamed about their favorite thing, Dean's dream was his baby was completely fixed, Sam's, to go to college for one day. Indi's, To be able to watch videos without the fear or something disturbing her and Amie's....To find her dad.

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