Chapter 8: Its all fun and games tonight. (Longer than usual)

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Indi's POV
Everyone woke up around at the same time. Amie was definitely doing much better, I find it weird, she wasn't as bad when Dean and Sam got there. Could it be that she was open to possession due to stress? Who knows. I kneeled down by Amie's bed, smiling at her.
"Hey Amie. How are you feeling?" I asked her quietly, she shrugged in response. I heard quiet footsteps and saw Sam walking over to us. He knelt down beside me, seeing Amie awake gave him a sense of relief I guess.
"How is she?" He asked me, I shrugged and giggled, letting him know that was her response. He just smiled back and stood up.
"I think I'm gonna get Dean up and go get breakfast, do you girls want to come? I mean if she can walk." Sam asked politely, not wanting to force anyone into anything.
"Yeah I can walk, and I can definitely go for some food right now!" Amie laughed, for the first time in a while.
I noticed Sam smile and he walked over to Dean, forcing him to get up. I helped Amie get up and get dressed into less bloodier clothes. I also helped clean her face, which was covered in dirt and blood. The wound on her back still badly needed treatment so I called Dean over.
"Hey Dean? Can you help me for a second?" Deans head lifts up from his magazine.
"Busty Asian beauties? Really Dean!?" Sam laughed, Dean just chuckled and dropped the magazine, walking towards me.
"Yeah sure. Give me the needle and thread, if you can numb it for me I can stitch it for you." Dean agreed with me for once. I numbed the wound and cleaned it with anaesthetic. Dean began stitching up her wound, being very gentle.
Dean took great care of the thread, being sure not to accidentally snap it. Amie barely felt anything besides deans fingers softly grazing her lower back, it was a slight turn on for her.
"How did you guys know where we were?" Amie asked, still unsure about everything at the moment.
"Indi called us, said you guys needed help. She never mentioned there was a second ghost of you who injured you though." Dean answered, Amie made a soft, unrecognisable noise and looked down.
"Okay, all done. I'll bandage it up and then we can go." Dean smiled, slowly wrapping the bandage around her waist, trailing up across her stomach to wrap around her lower back. His fingers grazed her skin softly, she liked the feeling of his touch. She kind of missed it. Sam and Indi came out of the bathroom and came downstairs, they were both dressed. Amie stood up, going into the bathroom. She brushed her hair and put on a tiny bit of mascara. Everyone walked outside, breathing in the fresh air.
"Okay, so who's car are we taking and where are we going?" Indi questioned.
"We can just take the impala, Dean will drive and he will pick a place. We haven't been around this town much so we don't know what's good." Sam answered back.
"Okay. There's a good pancake parlour on Grafton st. or we can go to this French place where it's more breads and dips. Or there's this other place down the road I haven't tried yet. I know they have icecream though!" Amie rambled excitedly.

"woah calm down. your acting like you haven't eaten in days!" Dean laughed before noticing the serious look on Indi's face.

"About a week now, actually." Amie smiled sarcastically. Dean went red and focused on the road.

"So, where are we going?" Sam asked. Indi pointed out a small cafe where they could eat.

"Hi, I'm Marissa and I'll be your waitress for this morning. what would you like?" A waitress asked, winking at Dean poking her chest out slightly. Dean smirked playfully and Sam hit him in response.

"Coffee please, white with two sugars. one Strawberry crepe. 2 pancake servings and bacon and eggs. One iced tea, another coffee, black with one sugar and just a bottle of water thanks." Amie smiled, ordering for everyone.

"Sure, anything else?" The waitress asked with annoyance in her tone.

"Yeah sure, maybe our order first then I'll think about it." Amie rudely stated, the waitress just walked off, grumbling something under her breath.

"Woah, easy Tiger!" Dean laughed, Amie just scoffed and looked down.

"So, any cases yet Sam?" Indi asked, to break the uncomfortable silence.

"There's a few, a couple supposedly saw a huge black dog outside of there window before their daughter screamed. they found her hanging with claw marks and bites all down her body. Another one, in Illinois, the usual ghost sighting." Sam rambled on about cases and Indi jotted some down into her little notebook.

"Here's your food and drinks, have a lovely day." The waitress said before "accidentally" spilling one of the coffees all over Amie's top.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, I'll get the paper towels." She added sarcastically. Amie just stood up and walked out of the cafe, leaning on the impala she took a deep breath.

"good thing she spilled yours. This coffee taste like ass" Dean laughed, walking outside to talk to Amie.

"Well I'm never coming here again." Indi and Sam joined the two, coming outside.

"Breakfast was never that important anyways. Never eat it usually, today won't make a difference. Besides, its almost 2pm. hardly still a reasonable time for breakfast!" Amie grunted.

Dean looked at Amie, who was soaked in boiling coffee. He began to take of his jacket, because the wind was chilly. He held it out towards Amie.

"Here, take it." Amie took it from his hands, smiling gratefully.

"Thanks Deano."

"No worries. come on, lets go back home to decide what we want to do tonight."



Sam, Dean, Indi and Amie were deciding what they wanted to do tonight. Sam suggested they just stay home and hang out, but Dean thought differently.

"Hey! lets go drinking. There's the bar down town and apparently there is gonna be music and everything." Amie suggested. Dean and Indi nodded and Sam rolled his eye smiling.

"Lighten up Sam! It will be so fun!" Indi stated, Sam just shrugged and stood up, sliding on his coat. Indi and Amie ran into their shared bedroom, trying to decide what to wear.

"Should I wear the purple or the blue dress?" Amie asked Indi, trying to decide what she was gonna wear. Indi held up a short, slightly revealing black dress.

"Wear this! It will look so good!" Indi squealed, throwing the dress towards Amie.

"Are you sure? isn't it a little, y'know...."

"Revealing? of course it is!" Indi laughed. Amie rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom, getting changed.

Meanwhile, Indi got changed into a lacy white, floral dress.

Amie only put on a bit of mascara, while Indi put on just a tad more things

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Amie only put on a bit of mascara, while Indi put on just a tad more things. They both looked really nice. They both came out of the bedroom to be greeted with Sam and Dean, who were both in cheap suits.

"Looking good girls!" Dean called, not so secretly winking at Amie. She rolled her eyes and began walking outside to the Impala. Their truck was out of gas so they were all going together. Amie and Indi got in the back seat, while Sam and Dean sat up the front. They drove to the nearest bar.


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