Chapter 14//Finally.

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Dean woke up to a sleeping Amie in his arms. He smiled and pushed her off the bed, chuckling. Amie sat up and put on a fake pout.
"Why you gotta wake me like that homesizzle?!" She joked, standing up.
"WAIT LETS GO SEE IF LIVY IS GONE!" Amie said, jumping up and sprinting to the lounge room. Sam and Indi were awake, eating pancakes in the kitchen. Amie pouted.
"He took Liv back." Indi frowned. Dean chuckled.
"Remind me not to have kids for a while.".
Sam just chuckled and continued to cook some more pancakes, the smell was amazing. Amie was running all around the house, nonstop.
Dean looked over and laughed at her, Sam was too busy cooking and Indi walked over and helped her up.
"Okay that's better" Indi commented.
"Can we do something todayyyy?" Amie groaned, tugging on Indis sleeve like a nagging toddler.
"Like what? We have a case." Indi said. Amie rolled her eyes.
"Have any details?" Dean asked,

Indi looked up, a glint of excitement in her eyes. Finally someone paid attention to her.
Indi coughed and sat up straight.
"Someone about 5km away keep complaining about scratching noises and things flying. Of course, no one believes em. Let's atleast have a look today?" Indi said, Dean nodded, as did Sam from the stove. Amie raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, any other important information we should know? Who are the people?" She asked, leaning onto Dean.

Indi sighed,
"Mrs Middleton. She's a widower. Her husband committed suicide a few years ago."
Deans eyes widened,
"Woah, deep. Okay, we can eat and then we can take a look. Thanks for doing the research Indi, much appreciated!" Dean said with a smile.
Indi smiled proudly,
"It's no issue. It's kind of my job Dean." She chuckled, Dean smiled softly.
Sam walked in, balancing plates of food on his arms.
"Um, a little help here anybody?" He spoke softly, shakily balancing.
Indi walked up and grabbed two of the four plates, placing them on the table.
"Thank you Indi!" Sam laughed, putting the other two plates on the table. Amie got off Dean and grabbed some cutlery and helped set up the table. Dean shrugged and made everyone a coffee, all the way each like theirs. He placed them all infront of the plates of steaming bacon, eggs and salads.
"Food looks great Sam!" Indi smiled, sitting down next to him at the table. Dean nodded in agreement, sitting down as well. Amie took the final seat.
"Deaannnn! Can we swap seatttsss? Your spot is closer to the PowerPoint and I need to charge my phoneeeee!" She whined.
Dean smirked,
"I'm not moving."
Amie pouted.
"Fine then!" She squeaked, standing up and sitting on Dean's lap, plugging in her phone to charge. She pulled her plate next to deans and picked up a piece of bacon, eating it on his lap.
Indi laughed, while Sam just smiled.
"You set yourself up for that one Dean." He spoke, continuing to eat.
"You really did Dean, but you love me so you would of ended up giving me the seat anyways." Amie smirked cockily. Dean rolled his eyes,
"Whatever you say princess." Everyone continued to eat until breakfast was over. Sam stood up and took all the dirty plates to the kitchen. Indi stood up and stretched, walking to the lounge room, turning on the tv.
"Can you get off me now? I need to shower."
Dean sighed at her response,
"Nope! I'm going to stay here foreverrrr!" She giggled. He stood up, holding her around his waist by her thighs.
"Well then I'm just going to have to shower with you on me!" He laughed, carrying her to the bathroom. She giggled and thrashed out of his grips.
"I don't want to shower!" She pouted. Dean laughed,
"Then take a bath while I shower!" He said, stripping off his shirt. Amie covered her eyes and sprinted out of the bathroom.
"SAM YOUR BROTHER IS UNDRESSING!" She squealed, running through the bunker. Dean heard from the bathroom, stepping into the shower, letting the hot water relax him.
Sam made gagging noises while Indi laughed, turning off the tv.
"SAMMM THERES NOTHING GOOD ON TV!!" She complained, walking up to him. Sam chuckled, picking her up and putting her on his back, letting her sit up there. Indi blushed, resting her chin on the top of his head as he washed up a few of the dishes.
"When are we leaving?" He asked, Indi shrugged.
"Probably when Dean is out of the shower, he's the one that drives and stuff so I would assume so." She chuckled. Sam smiled, enjoying the moment.
Amie sat down at the table, putting her phone into her pocket.
"Emily sent me a text, she's sending us each a small package of travel essentials and stuff." Amie said with a smile.
Indi grinned,
"She's nice!"
Sam nodded, smiling as well.
Dean finally stepped into the kitchen in clean clothes, his hair wet and stuck to his face.
He brushed it to the side.
"Are we ready to check this thing out?" He asked, looking up at everyone. Everyone nodded, Indi jumped down from Sams back and grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder as did Amie. Sam grabbed his phone and his duffel bag, walking out to the impala with Dean and the girls. Everyone got in, Sam and Dean up front, the girls in the back.
No one knew what to expect from this upcoming place.

So sorry for the late update. Life struggles man/womans/ whoever actually gives a shit about my shitty writing haha. I'll try to motivate myself to write more.

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