Chapter two//Shits and Giggles.

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It was early morning. Amie was the first to wake up, followed by Sam, Dean then finally Indi.

Not many words were said as everyone helped pack up the beds. Packing up didn't take any more than 5 minutes. Sam and Dean walked over to the impala, they talked for a bit, nothing serious, just brotherly chat. Indi and Amie sat next to each other silently, the radio of Amie's truck played soft, calming songs. everyone was quite peaceful until a voice could be heard. Amie recognized it. 

"Dad? DAD IS THAT YOU?" she screamed, tears filled her eyes.

"Fuck!" Indi screamed as a creature jumped apon her, clawing at her chest. Dean pulled a gun out, shooting at the creature. It turned to face Dean, jumping off Indi, running up to attack Dean. Sam jumped in front of the creature, getting knocked down by it.

"Sam! Cover your mouth and Nose!" Amie yelled before throwing a Molotov at the creature, setting it aflame. Sam quickly scurried away. The creature ran off, burning to death.

"Haven't ever seen a wendigo outside of Minnesota before. huh, weird." Dean stated. Sam nodded and turned to face Indi, who was getting her slashes tended to by Amie. She helped her sit in a lawn chair to rest up her chest before continuing. luckily, the slashes weren't too deep. Amie walked over to Sam and Dean, wiping a tear off her face with her sleeve. 

"That fucking monster, I would of killed it with my own two hands if the fire didn't work.." Amie said, chuckling.

"what was with the Dad thing? Is your dad missing?" Sam asked, Amie glared at him and Indi stood behind Amie, grabbing her shoulder. 

"Woah. Hard topic?" Dean asked. Amie turned around, took a deep breath and turned back around, putting on a fake smile.

"Lets just say, I'm not planning on sticking around long, so you don't need to know everything. all you need to know is I'm Amie. This is Indi, we're hunters." she responded, gesturing to her best friend and partner in crime. Sam smiled, reassuringly. Indi and Amie both turned at the same time, walking to the truck. 

"Look, I know you don't want to. I know you don't like them very much, but can we stick with them for a bit? It would be much easier." Indi stated. Amie shrugged, she didn't really want to be near them for much longer, but she always wanted to keep Indi happy. 

"Fine, but if that asshole, Dean or whatever even tries anything smart, I'm gonna stab him and drive away." Amie chuckled lightly. Indi smiled, "thank you" was the simple response given. The two girls walked over to the boys.

"Hey, we should stick together, don't ya think. I mean we all were a great team, taking down that wendigo, ya know." Indi suggested to the small group. everyone agreed and we all got into our separate vehicles, following one another into a small town. They agreed to share a room in a motel, considering that's the cheaper option. The drive was only short, only about an hour or so, until they pulled into a gas station. 

"I'm hungry, I don't know about you, but I'm getting snacks" Dean informed Sam, who was filling up the gas tank. After filling up the tank, he walked over to the truck, to say hi to Indi and Amie. Amie was inside buying Indi a drink and more medicine for the first aid kit.

"Hey, how are you holding up? Is the pain too bad?" Sam asked Indi. She shrugged. 

"Not as painful as earlier, at least. I'll be fine." Indi smiled gratefully at the mans concerned expression. Sam smiled back, happy they were socializing. He hadn't made an actual friend that stayed in contact for years. 'Maybe this time will be different.' he thought.

"Hey Sam, could you warn Dean about Amie? She can be a real ass sometimes, and when she gets mad..." 

"No I understand, I'll let him know when we start driving again."

Indi grinned, "Thanks"

Both were startled by the sound of loud laughter coming from the entry of the gas station building. Dean was laughing, a genuine laugh. Amie giggled along too, unlike her. 

"Whats got you two all giggly?" Sam asked, with the biggest smile on his face. 

"S-She told me a s-story about one of her friends who f-fell in -to a-" Dean tried retelling the story, half his works were inaudible because of the hysterical laughing fit he was having, he had to hold his stomach, making Sam and Indi laugh too! soon, everyone was laughing out loud, wiping tears out of their eyes smiling. A few minutes later everyone was a bit more calmer, making it safer to drive. 

"Ooh! Can I drive the impala... PLEASE! I WON'T CRASH IT I SWEAR!" Amie exclaimed excitedly.

"I don't know...." Dean said, uncomfortably and protectively. 

"Look, lets compromise. I'll give it a drive until we get to the motel, so about 20 minutes, you stay in the car. If you don't like how I'm driving, you can take over. deal?" Amie tried persuading.

"Fine, but if I say stop you better stop. Sammy, get in the truck with blondie over there." Dean said seriously, but smiling. Indi glared at him, but began laughing as Sam almost tripped over trying to walk to the truck.

Amie got into the drivers seat of the Chevy impala, smiling. 

"its fucking beautiful" She said, examining the car as Dean stepped into the passenger seat.

"Correction. She's gorgeous. She's my baby, even put a scratch on her and you'll get whats coming to you." Dean said, glaring playfully at Amie.

"Wouldn't dream of it." She responded, and with that she turned the key and began driving to the motel, Sam and Indi followed behind. 

--------------------------------In the Truck with Sam and Indi-----------------------------------------------


"How long have you been hunting for?" Sam asked

Indi turned to face Sam, who was driving while Indi healed up.

"Only a few years, maybe four, but I have trained for many more years." Indi answered, smiling.

"Oh, what made you start training? sorry I know that's a bit personal..." Sam questioned, guilt rushing over him soon after. 

"Oh no, don't worry I don't mind. Uh, My mother. she was falsely accused of witchcraft, she was killed. My dad, lets not get into him. hes something...different I can say. I went for a walk and ran into Amie, we talked and I decided I'd stick around with her and her friend. Don't bring him up around her though." Indi began, Sam instantly got the point and nodded, cutting her off.

"what about you?" Indi asked Sam, he looked straight at the road and answered. 

"When I was just a baby, something attacked my house. It pinned my mother to the roof, her stomach was split open and fire spread over my nursery. If it wasn't for my dad and Dean, I probably would of burnt with her. Since her death, my dad had been obsessed with finding this thing. He trained me and Dean at a young age." Sam continued telling the story, Indi listened closely, taking in all the information.

Soon enough, they all reached the motel.

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