Chapter 7//help?

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This chapter is dedicated to my best friend indiana. I was gonna delete this account, delete all my stories. She told me what others said wasn't worth listening to. This chapter wouldn't be out without her, thank you Indi
(Sam's POV)
It has been a month since we parted from the girls. A month since we said our goodbyes and a month of sadness for Dean. He took they goodbye much harder, to say he took it hard is an understatement. Somedays he wouldn't eat much, others he wouldn't eat at all. At first I thought it was his sickness, but now I know it isn't. I've had my fair share of outbreaks, just remembering how happy we all were together, I guess Dean was just waiting for a call. He kept looking at his phone screen, just waiting.

*ring ring* That was Deans phone ringing. Dean jumped and grabbed his phone, answering it instantly.

"Hello? This is Dean, who's this?" Dean asked through the phone.
"Hey Dean! It's Indi, calling from Amie's phone." Indi's voice spoke softly, but excitedly through the microphone.
"Oh! How are you guys and specific reason why your calling?" Sam called to the phone, forcing Dean to put it on speaker mode.
"We aren't that great, I really need help. We were wondering if you guys could help us." Indi spoke, Sam smiled at Dean.
"What do you need help with?" Dean questioned.
"Well, Amie found this case, and there was this creatures and well.... yeah you'll be able to tell when you get here."
"Okay, text me the coordinates and we will leave as soon as possible" Dean smiled, hanging up the phone. He stood up and hugged Sam, smiling wide. "Come on Sammy, we got a case to solve." Dean grinned and hopped into the Impala impatiently.

"Sam! Dean! You guys are here! Well, welcome to our house." Indi smiled, letting the boys inside.
"So, where's Amie?" Dean asked nervously. Indi frowned slightly.
"That's the issue, follow me." Indi said, leading the boys into a basement. Amie sat chained to a chair, all bloody and bruised.
"Is she okay!!?" Dean asked, a worried expression marked his dirt covered face.
"I don't know. Something lurked into her, she tried to attack me. Then she flew around the house we were investigating. She broke windows, mirrors and finally fell to the ground. I took her back here to rest." Indi explained. Sam just looked at her. "Sounds like a normal possession. Why are you so worried?" Sam stated, a bit of relief on his face.
"B-because, she's also right behind you!" Indi stuttered, Sam turned around, dodging a knife that was aiming for his back.
"What the hell?!" Dean yelled, noticing whenever the thing was hit by Sam, Amie's body would jerk and another bruise would form. "SAM LOOK OUT!" Dean yelled, knocking down the Amie clone, tying her hands together, then to a metal bar. "Your all gonna fucking die!" The evil clone mumbled. "Not today we won't." Sam said, kicking it in the stomach, making the real Amie groan in agony.
"Sam, don't hurt it." Indi said. Sam wouldn't listen "this thing is evil!" He said, and with that, he pulled out a knife and stabbed the thing in the heart, killing it into a black puff of smoke.
The real Amie groaned in pain, her head hung.
"F-fuck me." She muttered.
"Can someone fucking untie me?!" She added.
Yep. That's Amie for sure.
Dean and Indi both ran to her aid, untying her but sitting her onto the ground.
"This hurts like a bitch." Amie mumbled, pulling up her shirt to reveal multiple bruises on her stomach.
"Ahh shit. I'll get the aid kit. Sam you come with me, Dean, stay here." Indi ordered. Dean nodded, staying still where he was.
"Hey Dean, I missed ya. Its been weird not having your ugly face around" Amie joked.
"You love my face!" Dean acted offended, laughing.
"Yeah I do.".
"Bandages, numbing cream, needle and thread, syringe, antibiotics. I think we have everything." Indi smiled at Sam, who was holding majority of the things. "I would hope so!" Sam jokingly Laughed.
"So, how's life been these past few weeks?" Sam asked.
"They've been... let's say very different. A lot of weird cases lately." Indi replied, smiling slightly.
"Same here, though I think I did the majority of the work. Dean just sat there and moped around waiting for something to happen. I feel like he was expecting a call.."
"I know what you mean. Amie seemed slightly different, and not because she was possessed. She began cleaning a lot more, listened to more music. Blasted it loudly. Sometimes I would hear her yell at the radio to turn itself down. Must be from missing Deans weird antics!" Indi and Sam laughed together, for the first time in weeks nothing was wrong.
"We should hurry and get this stuff down there. Don't want her hurting too much." Sam said, Indi nodded in agreement and they took everything downstairs.

"How's the wounds Dean?" Sam asked quietly, after seeing Amie asleep on Deans Lap.
"She fell asleep, so I thought my lap would be comfier than the steel floor. Yeah she will be fine. Badly need to stitch up a cut on her back, otherwise she will be fine."
"Thank you doctor Winchester!" Indiana chuckled to herself.
"I'll stitch her when she wakes up." Dean offered. Indi smiled and brought down some blankets and pillows.
"Guess we can all camp down here. I'll grab the mattresses." Indi said, and with that, she blew up the mattresses and made up some beds.
"Now, there's two singles and a double. Amie needs to be by herself and I can too if you guys don't mind sharing a bed." Indi asked. Dean and Sam didn't mind at all. Dean picked up Amie bridal style, being careful not to hurt her. He placed her gently on the mattress and got in a bed of his own.
"Night, everyone." He mumbled before falling into a deep slumber.

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