Love at first sight

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I woke up to darkness. Something was on top of me and I couldn't get out. I was hyperventilating. Had i been buried? What happened?

I then heard the sound of Jake's infectious laugh. Of course it was him. I quickly pulled blankets off me and started to chase him.

"JAKEEEEEEEE", i yelled as i was running down the stairs, "IM LITERALLY GOING TO KILL YOU!"

The whole of Team 10 was laughing and I suddenly noticed two new people. One with dark brown hair and brown eyes. And the other? Totally gorgeous. He had light brown hair, fair skin, and beautiful green eyes. I must've been staring at him for a long time because Jake was speaking.

Jake- "...and they're gonna join Team 10." 

Me- "Wait, what did you say"

Jake sighed and said- "This is Chance". He pointed at the light brown haired boy. "And this is Anthony". He pointed at the other. "They're my friends from Ohio and they're going to join Team 10."


Tessa was beautiful. Her smile had brightened up the room as soon as she walked in. The moment I saw her I knew liked her. 

"Dude what are you doing? Don't you want a house tour", interrupted Jake.

Erika showed us around the house and we were going to be sleeping in the Martinez twins room. I wasn't complaining because it was right next to Tessa's. As soon as I unpacked the whole of Team 10 went to lunch. We stayed at the restaurant for a long time, and I got to know Tessa really well. I found out that she's amazing at dancing, likes sushi, and has an older sister. I barely talked to the others because I was so captured by her sparkling eyes and her perfect face. 


When we went to lunch, I talked to Chance the whole time. His personality is amazing and seems like such a genuine guy. I think i'm falling in love. I've never felt like this before. I talk to guys all the time but never get this nervous. He sends butterflies to my stomach and sends shivers down my spine whenever he comes near me. I never want to part with him. I wish I could talk to him more, but Erika decides that we should leave. I check the time and it's 4:30. We've been at the restaurant for three hours! 

When we arrive back to the house, Jake made this thing called a drama wheel. Basically our names get written on the wheel, Jake spins it, and whoever it lands on has to tell a confession or drama that they have. Today Ivan was chosen. No one knows what he said except Jake. I guess we'll have to find out tomorrow in Jake's vlog.


We were all watching a movie when I noticed a sad expression on Tessa's face. We were watching a scary movie so it can't have been that. I decided to wait until tomorrow and see if she feels better. If she's not, then i'll ask her what's wrong. To be honest, if this was any other person I wouldn't have given it a second look. Tessa just mesmerizes me. After all that talking we did today, I feel like i'm falling in love with her...

Sorry that none of the events that actually happened are in order.

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