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With everything that had happened, I hadn't spoken to Tessa since the first day we came. I know it wasn't her fault, but I really missed talking to her. Tessa is the kindest person i've ever known. Her personality is amazing and her smile is beautiful. I just don't want whoever is annoying her to ruin her.

It was getting late so I headed up to my room and on the way passed Tessa's bedroom. Her door was wide open and she was sitting on her bead. She noticed my there, and looked up and smiled.


While I was in my room, Chance walked past. To be honest, I had completely forgotten that him and Anthony had come to live with us at the Team 10 house. I smiled at him and invited him into my room.

"Hey Chance, how's it going?" I asked, trying to make a casual conversation.

"Pretty good Tessa. Just tired" He replied.

I knew we had some sort of chemistry between us, and I wanted to get my mind off James so I asked him if he wanted to go to the beach with me.

"Umm... Do you wanna go to the beach with me?" I asked. "We could have dinner and watch the sunset or something."

"Of course" he answered "I'd love too. When should we leave?".

"Now I think. So we have time to swim."

I quickly put on a bikini and put a nice dress over it for dinner and waited for Chance downstairs. Jake was editing a video when he noticed me.

"Yo Tessa, ummm Tristan told me what happened" he mumbled.

I stood there, not knowing what to say. I was going to kill Tristan. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone.

"Don't get mad at him" Jake begged "I kind of forced him to tell me."

"It's alright" I said quietly "I would've told you soon anyway."

"Thanks T" he said as he gave me a hug. "So where are you off too tonight dressed like that?"

"Uhhhh, a friend's house" I replied.

"Really?" he smirked.


"Ok well because of what happened I just wanted to let you know that I made a new rule. If your going on a date with someone or getting a boyfriend, tell me. I want to meet him as well."

"Jake i'm not going on a date" I laughed.

"Ok ok" he said as he put his arms up in surrender "But this rule is still going to take place alright?"


I waited outside for Chance because everyone would know something was up if we left together. I hated Jake's new "rule". What if Chance and I ended up together? I would either have to tell Jake, which would be really awkward, or make sure no one knows about us.

Chance finally came outside and we went to the beach and in the water. We kept splashing each other and teasing each other. He is so much fun to be around. We headed to a restaurant that was near the water for an early sunset dinner. He offered to pay for everything, which was really sweet, and the whole dinner was really romantic. I told him about James and what he did and Chance was really supportive.

"So... is this a date?" he asked.

I sighed, remembering Jake's new rule. "Chance... i was talking to Jake just before we left and he said that because of what James did, I need to tel him before I go on a date or get a boyfriend. He said that there was only a small chance that he would allow me to date, even if he met that person."

"Tess, Jake isn't the boss of you" he said.

"I know" I responded "But I don't care what he says. I want this to be a date."

"Then it is" he said as we both leaned in and kissed.

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