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So it's been about a week since I came back to the Team 10 house. No drama has happened, and i've talked to Chance and Emilio and we're all friends again. To be honest I haven't felt anything with Chance. No chemistry or anything. It was weird, because when we first met I thought I loved him. I'm sure i'll figure it out soon.

Anyway, today we're going to Coachella!!! I can't wait. I've never been before, and apparently we have this huge house we're staying in. I was wearing this cute and comfy outfit for the car trip.

 I was wearing this cute and comfy outfit for the car trip

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"Tessa you ready?" yelled Jake from the other room.

"Yeah i'll be there in a sec" I shouted as I gathered all my bags, making sure I didn't forget anything.

The whole of Team 10 got into the van, including the Dobre twins, Aj, and Alex. There wasn't enough space for all of us, so Jake, Emilio, and Chance got into Jake's car. Even though we had worked everything out, it was still a really awkward car ride. 

Jake and Chance were in the front, while Emilio and I were in the back. About half way through the car ride, I fell asleep on Emilio's shoulder.


Tessa had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I didn't want to move in case I woke her up. I cared for her so much. She doesn't know it, but both Chance and I still like her. I don't know if Jake knows but he knows somethings up.

"So now Tessa is asleep we can have some guy talk" Jake chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Chance laughed.

"Do you guys have any crushes? Girlfriends? Friends with benefits?" he asked.

Chance and I looked at each other, worried.

"Uhhh no. No one." I quickly responded.

"Yeah, no one" Chance clarified.

"Not Erika or Tessa or anyone I know?" Jake asked.

"Dude we don't like anyone" we both said at the same now.

"Sure sure" Jake snickered.

I looked at Tessa as she slept. She was so beautiful. I know I don't deserve her, so I hope that whoever she ends up with treats her right. Even if it's Chance.


"Emilio" I half shouted.

He was zoned out, looking at Tessa with his spaced out eyes.

I hit him and he finally looked up.

"What?" he asked, suprised. 

I laughed to myself. "You sure you don't like Tessa?"

"I don't man. Stop" He assured.

I knew both Chance and Emilio still liked Tessa, but I wanted them to admit it. 

We finally got to Coachella, and it was like 11:30 at night. Everyone was tired, and I asked Emilio to wake Tessa up so we could go inside. He refused and said she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, so he carried her bridal style into her room. 'Awwww' I thought.

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