Chapter 1

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Here's the first chapter hope u will like it well love it cause hey who wouldn't hahahaha-ok I'm done any who enjoy ^.^



I was sitting on the couch drifting off to sleep watching the news. Well let's just say I didn't feel like changing the channel. I was about to go to sleep when something caught my ears.

"We have breaking news that a dangerous man or should I say boy strikes again. It was occurred to us that he burned down a mans house when he was in it. We also found a note taped to the mail box "I will be back and this time I'm looking for a person to claim as mine" and at the bottom "Never giving up, Derek". We also have a picture that was on the ground we assume is the person he's after."

I saw as they showed the pic and my eyes almost popped out of my head. Is it me or that pic is a picture

"If you see this boy please make sure he's save and we will come back with what happened to little-"

After I saw that my mind blinked out. Am I in danger? should I do something about this? my mind was swirling with unanswered questions before I heard a knock at the door. I couldn't help but get scared so I decided to grab anything and walk to the door.

That anything was a broom but at least I can hit him in the head right? I simply flinched as I heard another knock on the door. I walked slowly to it and paused before I took a deep breath and unlocked the door and slowly turned the door knob. I braced myself before I quickly opened the door swinging the broom at the figure.

"Oww what the hell Justin?" a voice yelped as I hurried and sat the broom down before going back to the door being face to face with my little sister.

"Oops I'm sooo sorry Viviana I thought it was-"

"Shit you watched the news didn't you?"she asked looking at me as she rubbed her sore head. I nodded slowly before quickly walking to the kitchen to get her an ice pack.

"I was coming over to keep you from watching it but then I was like your Justin you hate watching the news so I just thought I come and say hi but when I got that nice surprise to the head I knew that you have had watched it and now...I'm scared for you Justin." She said as I gave her the ice pack. I sighed and sat down next to her and held her close to me.

"Its okay vi, I'll be fine."I said kissing her temple. She sat up and smiled and I returned it. I know that she's worried but I don't want her to be. If she gets into this then I would have to kill someone.


Hope you liked it and I wasn't so good with the news but I tried sooo put #DangerJustin in the comments please thank u love u and hope u love this story sooo far.

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