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Start: July 2018
End: July 2019


I sigh as I roughly rub my hands against my face, trying to get rid of the traces of the little bit of sleep I managed to receive in a weeks' time.

Everyday has been exactly the same for the past four years. The first year that Blaze ran away without a single trace, was when I searched through every territory of every specie on earth to find my missing mate. I didn't rest until one day, after being told for what was probably the billionth time that she was gone, it was like I actually only realized it then. I was depressed before, but after letting everything sink in about how she left me; I became numb. Now I just wake up, if I slept, shower and go straight to my office to drown myself in both alcohol and work. I used to do my work in my room, but it reminded me too much of her, that I could not even bear a second in there. I have been sleeping in the guest bedroom down the hall from the master quarters. All those nights in our room kept bombarding my thoughts whenever I enter into our room. I can't handle the memories.

My heart broke four years ago and I have been ignoring it for the past three. Hunter doesn't speak to me anymore and Aiden refuses to ever look me in the eye. I have a feeling he had a hand in her escape, but that would be assuming and I never assume after how much it hurt Blaze. I can't even look at my clothes without being reminded how her creamy thighs always barely peeked out from the bottom of my shirts and the way she would always hide her body from my hungry eyes.

She was both my poison and my cure. She made me weak and feel as strong as ten thousand Alpha's all at once. My heart both stopped and sped up whenever she walked into the room. I want to treat her like a queen, because she is my queen. I love her and I don't think I'll ever be able to move on, even if it were for the sake of the pack.

The sinking feeling when I went to go fetch her from our room, thinking that she was merely taking her sweet time to get ready fills my stomach when ever I think of that night. When I entered our room and found half of the closet strewn across the floor with both my travel suitcases missing, I had an idea what happened. I also noticed Carly and Nathan's absence. Carly's room was left the way it used to be and there was no trace of any of them left behind. My Lexus was missing and I immediately knew that idea was more than just an idea.

It was my reality.

What could have happened for her to flea in such a rush? We had an amazing date the day before and a mind blowing night afterwards, I thought we were good. I thought we got passed all of the fights.

The thought of her faking everything briefly tried to nestle and lay its eggs in my mind, but I shook that idea out and burned it. She couldn't have. Carly had messaged me pictures of Blaze and I on our date that I didn't even know she had and I immediately printed them and placed them all over the room I am currently residing in.

Those sapphire orbs blinking up at me with so much innocence, yet glowing with mischief. I could never get over the fact that Blaze stayed in bed, merely because my body yearned her touch. She was- is my everything, and I'll be damned if I never see her angelic face again.

All these fights we had and disagreements, me storming off, leaving her crying; I practically shoved her into the arms of Aiden and I even got angry about that. I was stupid. I don't deserve her, but I need her.
I assume that Carly spelled us to survive Blaze leaving, but no spell could fill the void in my chest. Not even the spell of luscious curves and meaningless nightly escapades with perfect strangers.

After Veronica I haven't touched another woman besides Blaze. I couldn't do that to my Little Mate. I deserve the torture.

I haven't even been able to look at another woman. Nobody talks to me anymore, because I always blow up. Aaron rarely brings Lukas to visit his uncle because he always ends up crying since I can't give him the attention a four year old needs. I always end up snapping and I send him to his room. Aaron always ended up yelling at me about it. After the third time, he decided that it'd be better not to let me see Lukas as often and under supervision.

This is why I don't want kids. I'd be a horrible father. I can barely take care of my mate and ensure that she actually stays with me, how will I be able to handle a baby?

Julie can be really scary when she wants to be as well. That woman may have pink hair, but she is no cotton candy treat when she gets heated. She once slapped me straight-up for growling at Lukas because he was about to enter my room that I shared with Blaze.

"Alpha, you have a call from Blue Creek's Alpha." My eyebrows pinch in its usual scowl and I sigh before picking up the phone. The guard scurries out of my office and shuts the door as silent as it can be shut. I roll my eyes at his cowardice. I won't bite... Hard.

"Bonjour, Alpha Jackson, how are you?" The thick french accent I'm greeted with would have made me grimace in confusion if I didn't stock a drawer with different dictionaries for calls from other packs. It's something I had to do in my search for Blaze, since she could be anywhere in the world. I glare at the page with gibberish scrawled all-over and flip the pages to greetings and typical conversation in my French-English dictionary.

"Tres bien, merçi. Et vouz? (Good, thanks and you?)" I ask in a horrendous attempt at speaking french, and he gives a hearty chuckle. Alpha Jacque has to wait for his nine year old boy to grow older since his twenty three year old daughter is the mate of an Alpha in Italy. She would've taken over with her mate and joined the two packs, but then she found out her mother, Lili, is pregnant and is expecting a boy and immediately gave the right over to her younger brother.

"You're french has improved, mon garçon. (My boy)" I chuckle and shake my head. I only learned the greetings and pleasantries' pronunciation, nothing more. I know 'amore', which is french for love. I wished to call Blaze that. I met Jacque at a meeting in London with all the other Alphas around the world when I turned the search for Blaze worldwide. He was the first to speak to me like the father I didn't have and he convinced me in such a way that insured that I wouldn't give up. He oathed he'd tell me if he notices any Blaze Raymond entering near or in his territory, as well as anyone with blue eyes and black hair.

That didn't help much, considering a lot of the french girls followed trends and near the time Blaze left, Megan Fox was the 'it' girl in France after her staring in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie.

"So, what made you call me, Alpha D'ymant."

"Ah, Noah, no formalities for me, mon garçon. Appelez-moi, Jacque, s'il vous plaît. (Please call me Jacque)" I nod my head, guessing that he suggested I call him by his name.

"Apologies, Jacques."

"Non (no) sorry, Noah. I called for a personal matter. We have been struggling with some training, the warriors are not, uh... Fighting properly. I need your help, s'il vous plaît? Just for two weeks to a month at most." His french mixing with his English confuses me for a second and after I analyzed his request, I instantly agree. I need to distract myself and what better way than to fight other wolves?

"Leon!" The warrior from before scurries back into my office and lowers his head in submission.

"Yes, Alpha?" He asks quietly. I don't like the fear in my pack because of me, but it gets things done. I need to reinforce their loyalty in me rather than fear. It makes for a much stronger pack. The only way to do that, is for me to not be a walking H-bomb ready to explode whenever someone opens their mouth.

"Book a flight to France for tomorrow. Aiden and I are going to help Blue Creek. Tell Aaron he is in charge until we get back." He nods and quickly exits my office.

I need to go pack.

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