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Weeks have passed and there has been no sign of Veronica, neither in my dreams nor my imagination. Perhaps it was a lapse of sanity. Perhaps it was my subconscious consuming my mind with guilt at the possibility of my childhood best friend being innocent; a mere pawn in her biological mother's sick plan to gain power.

We shall never know the truth and maybe that is what plagued me into the state of insanity. Maybe I couldn't live without knowing. That doesn't matter now, since I have my mate and two beautiful pups to take care of. A ghost will do no good, but ruin my relationships. It already caused tension between Blaze and I. I have to forget about Veronica all together, I know this, yet I still have this awful ache in my gut that my insanity may have meant more than I would like to believe.

I've went through the archive of books I have stored in a secret room behind my bookcase in my office. It's mostly just old legends, but I'd like to think that valuable advice could come from in between those dusty leather covers.

"Baby..." I stop muttering to myself as I adjust my back to sit straighter. That was definitely just the wind.

There is no wind moron.

It's the only plausible explanation for what we just heard.

No, it's not and you no that.

Not today, Hunter. I've had enough mouth from you to last me a lifetime.

A shiver passes through my body as I feel a feather-like touch brush against my squared shoulders.

"Noah... Listen to me." I shake my head trying to get the whisper to fade from my mind. The hollow sound of the girl I used to play tag with causing that ache in my gut to spread.

"V-Veronica?" I murmur, unsure if I should speak loudly. If Blaze were to hear me utter the name of the woman who hindered our relationship... I'd be in the dog house for much longer than two weeks.

"You can hear me now?" The whisper barely reaches my ears, but I catch it and slowly nod my head yes.

"What do you mean 'now'?" I question a little less breathier this time, my nerves are shot, but I'm not going to react to something -or rather someone- that may not even be there.

"I've been screaming for weeks for you to listen to me. To just hear me. You were all over Blaze and those pups of yours though, too occupied to notice my desperate cries." The voice is much more audible now. The voice seems angry though. I prefer the whispering.

"She's my mate, Veronica. Careful with the tone you're using whilst mentioning her." I growl lowly, afraid to gain attention. Blaze is sitting in my office, reading The Last Four Things.

"Oh, come on. We both know it should have been you and I. Which is why I'm here. You can find me. I'm close, Alpha Jackson, maybe even a little too close for comfort. Midnight is a lonesome child without his sister, don't you think?" She giggles and I feel another touch on my cheek. I can see a wisp move against my jawline and I glare at it.

"You're alive?" I question her, distracted as the wisp moves to my neck and chest. I feel a sudden force and fall off of the wooden chair I was numbing my backside on prior to this encounter with Veronica. Her giggles fill the quiet room once again as I feel the weight of someone straddling me press against my abdomen.

"You sound disappointed." Her voice is close to my ear and I figure that if she could push me, I could do the same. I roll over and shove the weight from my body before opening the exit to the room. Blaze startles as the bookcase slams against the wall, books flying to the ground as I stalk towards her. I need my mate after that. I grab her around her back and under her knees before pulling her flush against my chest, now craddling her in my arms.

Everyone Is Flawed {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now