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Why do girls always have to freak out when someone is giving birth? I mean, you're just freaking the person, who's about to deliver a life into this world, out even more.

"Noah, come on! You're so slow sometimes." Annalise continues tugging at my arms with surprising strength. I stumble along behind her and grunt as I trip over a step in the middle of nowhere. Thanks for the warning, Anna, much appreciated.

"I'm slow because I'm not in the mood. I haven't come out of my room in almost two weeks, the least you could do is appreciate the fact that I came out for a birth nobody wanted me to be a part of two months ago." I growl out through my clenched teeth. I haven't spoken to Blaze in the same amount of time, since I refuse to tell her what happened. I called Carly and she told me it definitely could have been what I thought it was. Or rather who it was.

"Yeah, about that, we'll talk later. I need to know why you've been MIA all of the sudden. I mean, Blaze hasn't even spoken a word to anybody, apart from Aiden and the kids. They want to know why Daddy only sees them every second day." Annalise glowers at me over her shoulder, still managing to pull my arm out of it's socket without breaking a sweat.

I know what I'm doing is... Moronic, and I know I am acting like a total butthead, but it's to protect my children and Blaze. I haven't really been able to talk to Blaze much, since she has been adamant on ignoring me unless I tell her what really happened that night, but the truth is, I'm not a hundred percent sure myself, all I know is that I have a very strong gut-feeling and let's just say my gut never lies.

"I know I haven't been my best self lately, but to be fair, Blaze can be a bit over-dramatic at times. She is making this out to be much... Yeah, well saying that would technically not be the truth, but she doesn't know what's going on and she's acting like this, imagine what she would do if she were to find out?" I ramble, having not spoken to another person with the intelligence level above a ten year old in two weeks. That's how smart my children are at their worst. It's frightening to know how developed pups can be compared to human children. I personally find that we are a superior species, do to our balanced mind functions, but Blaze reprimanded me since she's worked for the kindest humans on earth. I guess there are the best and the worst of each species. Rogues being our worst.

"Ugh, I'm not trying to be disrespectful and all, since you're like the brother I never had and I love you, but you're an ass." We stop in front of the maternal ward and I have to bite down on my tongue to stop myself from reminding her who's Alpha here.
"Listen to me, Noah, I'm saying this as your life-long best friend and the only person who doesn't give two devlins what your status is, if you really love her, you wouldn't treat her like this." She frantically searches my eyes for any sign or spark of emotion. I'd hate to disappoint her, but there isn't much left in me. Not being with my mate is quite draining... It could also possibly have something to do with the fact that I've been beating myself up over this for the past two weeks.

"I'm not trying to." I whisper, barely able to keep my voice from breaking. Ever since that night, I've felt like an imbecile and it feels like I have lost her again. Only this time, she's right here with me.

"Stop shutting her out. You love her, right?" I nod my head, sending an incredulous glare her way. What kind of a question is that? I love her more than anything, equal to my sister and our pups of course.

"Then show her. She can't smell that you love her. She needs that reassurance. And if you don't give it to her, she'll feel like it's all her fault and that there is something wrong with her." Anna's eyes plead with me to do what's right, but I don't think I can tell her yet. I can't do that to us, not now. Just when things were starting to become good again, a curveball is thrown and I'm back in the dog house.

Everyone Is Flawed {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now