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Sometimes, we don't know what we have until it's taken from us and we're confused. We suddenly don't know what to do, how to act, how to breathe. That affect another person could have on you is why we start to look for another person in the first place. Or why we avoid it all together.

Humans differ from us on many levels, but I assume on this level, we envy them. They have something we'll never have unless we go against everything we stand for. Everything that we have been taught.


Humans get to choose who they want to spend the rest of their lives with. They fall in love naturally. They don't have a pull, or a mythical bond that can only be broken by a few regretful words. They have their minds and their hearts. Sometimes, they choose wrong, which is where most of them wish the same things werewolves sometimes do; They wish they never met the other person.

Some humans choose someone who's abusive and cruel. We are stuck with someone who's abusive and cruel. Learning to love someone is an essential in our kind and usually it's not necessary, but there always will be a few odd cases where they despise each other or simply don't find each other appealing and able to live with for the rest of their lives.

The Moon Goddess is allowed to make mistakes as well, even though those mistakes affect a life.

Staring at the plump lips, slightly parted and expelling air between them suddenly makes it all seem a whole lot easier to not have a choice. There will always be a positive side to everything and there will always be a down side to everything, but that isn't changeable. We can't have everything. Having choices could be difficult. Depending on how you like to look at it.

I used to adore the fact that someone was made specifically for me. She'll fit my personality and her body will perfectly nuzzle into mine, like a jigsaw puzzle. We'll always love each other and there won't ever be an issue of cheating or lies because life is much simpler when you're literally chosen to be together for the rest of your lives, however long that may be.

I know now things I wish to have never known, but it is my fault for being taught about these things. We don't always have a choice, but whether Blaze admits it or not, she did have a choice to be with me after we rejected each other and I had a choice too. We gravitated towards each other and it all happened naturally. Even if we had the choice and our mates weren't chosen for us, we'd still choose each other. At least that's what I would like to think.

That's the beauty of waking up to my beautiful mate every morning, knowing that she chose me.

I examine every detail of her right now, because what I'm going to do tomorrow, will probably put me in the dog house for another three weeks. I chuckle quietly at the thought. Her name fits with her personality the way her hand fits in mine. She has a fiery personality and she's not one to be messed with.

Her raven black hair is spilled behind her, framing her effervescent, glowing skin as the golden light streams through the curtains. Her eyelids are hiding the egyptian blue gems I almost always get lost in and her nose is slightly crinkled. Her lips are parted, expelling light snores and creating music to my ears. Her neck is proudly decorated with my mark and I can't help but grin at the few purple dots surrounding it. She's going to freak out about those. My gaze slowly trails down to her collarbone displaying light bite marks and more love bites.

I can remember the sound she made as I kissed down her neck and ended up at her collarbone. She loved it and couldn't stop me even if she wanted to.

I glance lower and lightly brush my fingertips over the naked skin of my mate. Goosebumps immediately blaze the trail and my hand hitches at the edge of the duvet covering her body.

Everyone Is Flawed {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now