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"What the heck!" I jump up and my hand is around Phillip's neck before he could blink. He starts choking and scratching at my arm as his eyes tear up. My eyes widen in realization and I immediately release my grip. He starts rapidly coughing and spluttering, gasping for air like a gaping goldfish on land.
Drama Queen.

"Why?" He looks so hurt. I shrug apologetically and give him an awkward pat on the back, which most probably didn't console him much. The poor guy almost died.

"You smacked me. What did you expect?" I look at him incredulously and he gives me a sheepish grin.

"We arrived and you didn't wake up when I called your name." I glare at his innocent act and open the door trying to escape the idiocy that's suffocating me. If I hang around Phillip long enough, I think my brain cells might start dying off.

"So, what made you bring us here?" I look up at Le Papillon. It seems like your usual homey coffee shop that sells homemade pastries and the finest of hot beverages. I love these cafés more than Starbucks because it has a certain peaceful ambiance.

"Well, if you can remember, I mentioned there being a beautiful girl here and I kind of always come here to see her. She's sort of a loner and I'm practically her only friend apart from Maria and Frederick, the couple who owns this place." I nod my head and slowly make my way to the entrance. I carefully slither through the iron chairs placed around glass coffee tables to get to the inside of the coffee shop.

After a difficult adventure through delicate furniture, I finally enter the café and a waft of the best smell hits my nostrils. I glance around in confusion, since it smells better than freshly ground coffee, almost like honeysuckle.

"Dude, there she is. She's pretty, isn't she? Man, I wish she would give me a chance, but she told me she's taken. Her certain romantic someone is a lucky man." Phillip slaps my shoulder and wraps his arm around them. My shoulders become rigid as the midnight black haired girl moves into the kitchen. I didn't get to see her face, but my wolf wanted her and I growled at him. Nobody can replace Blaze. Her hair was in a long braid down her back, neatly tucked away from the front of her face. All the male customers drifted their eyes along her frame whenever she walked past and the odd feeling of jealousy courses through me.

My heart is pounding louder than a hammer hitting a metal door. We usually use that method to torture any rogues we caught since it's a sensitivity trigger. I'm sure Phillip can hear it because his face morphs from starstruck to concerned in a matter of seconds.

"Are you okay, Man?" I shake my head and stare at the swinging door she just entered, waiting for her to walk back out.

My heart stops and my palms feel slick as I rub them against my sweatpants. I am so not dressed for this. What am I saying? Blaze loved me in sweatpants, preferably shirtless. Her hips are wider and her frame is still as small as before, but she has some new... Assets.

Her gaze snaps up from refilling a customer's cup with steaming black coffee, but the sweet scent of honeysuckle is invading my senses too potently for me to think straight. She gasps and whirls around, nearly spilling the coffee and bumping into a chair behind her.

"Mackenzie, be careful! You don't want to injure yourself." An older man comes to her rescue and takes the pot filled half way with coffee and gently holds onto her arm so she could find her balance.


I look at Phillip, only to see his lost puppy gaze fixated on my mate and I growl at him. He snaps his lovey-dovey gaze to me and instinctively backs up.

"Stop staring at what's mine." I growl and he scoffs.

"Dude, I saw her first. Plus, she's taken, fat chance that you'll be able to wiggle your way in there. I've been trying for three years now and she hasn't budged. I've never seen the guy, but she has two-" Phillip is interrupted by a loud yelp from the counter. I look to my left and see an older lady holding onto Blaze's hand with a cloth.

Everyone Is Flawed {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now