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I blink at the blurry lights in front of me and switch on my window wipers. The road seems to be endless and my patience is dissolving faster than the rain is obscuring my vision.

I punch the steering wheel and look at my phone that's blowing up with messages from Anna and Aaron. I roll my eyes at the incessant buzzing, switching it to silent and throwing my phone onto the passenger seat. I look back up and find that I'm driving in the wrong lane. Before I could even react, the blinding headlights of the car, trying to swerve out of my way, flash and next thing I know my chest is compressed.


"Noah!" I gasp and grab onto the cold hands on my bare chest, they're like defibrillators sending shock waves through my body.

"Where am I?" My eyes rapidly glare at everything, but my vision is slightly blurry and watery. Am I crying?

"Noah, calm down, lie back down." I growl at the voice and snap at them. A squeak immediately stills me, allowing me to regain my senses and I realize that I'm back in Blaze's room. Is this a sick joke?

Is this another dream?

Am I in a coma?

Usually I don't remember falling asleep, but this time I remember the crash. What does this mean? Am I really with Blaze after the crash or was that a dream?

My body isn't sore and I haven't felt any pain, so that was probably a dream, right? I'm unscathed so it must have been.

I roar as the confusion pounds against my skull like thunder and I rip the duvet off of me. Blaze stares at me with wide, fearful eyes and I instantly feel horrible. I know how frightened she is of Alphas and I can remember the day she crawled up against the wall in fear of me hitting her like it happened two days ago. The worst feeling in the world, besides losing your soulmate, is for them to be afraid of you. I slowly approach her shaking body, gingerly pulling her legs around my waist so as to avoid frightening her even more.

"Love, I'm sorry, I had a nightmare and I thought this was another one and I- I don't know anymore. Are you real?" I cautiously lift my hand to caress her cheek and when the soft, warm skin underneath my finger heats up with her usual blush, I know it is.

"What do you mean, Noah? Of course I'm real." She chokes out, holding back the shocked tears she's trying to swallow. She holds onto my hands on her face, instinctively leaning into my palm to kiss it.

"I just- never mind. Go back to sleep we'll talk in the morning." I gently remove her legs from my waist and climb back under the duvet after picking it up from the floor. I haphazardly throw it over the both of us, knowing my body heat would heat us up anyway. I lay down on my back and pull her body on top of mine, so she's now laying on my chest. I feel a sense of relief course through my veins as she doesn't flinch like she always used to whenever I tried comforting her after lashing out over nothing.

I bring my arms up and rest them across her back, hugging her to me.

"Noah, what are-"

"Shh, just let me feel you. I need to know this is real." I press my nose against her skin and inhale deeply. Her honeysuckle scent overrides every other sense and my thoughts of the nightmare/possible reality vanish into thin air.

This has to be real.

I don't think I'd survive this time if it weren't.


"Noah, are you okay?" I groan and the weight that was on top of me is gone. I panic and swiftly sit up to throw the covers over my legs.
"Shh, I'm real, I'm real, I'm real. Come here," My tense body relaxes as the sparks restart my system.

Everyone Is Flawed {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now