Chapter 12

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Ok I decided I would post a third chapter this week, just because I might not be able to get another chapter in this weekend. So enjoy!!!

I had texted Caleb and Macy and asked them if they would want to come over, and the both said yes. I also told them that the food was going to be done soon. I got a text from Zoey saying they should be here shortly.

I was just putting the noddles in the strainer in the sink when there was a knock at the door.

"It's open." I said trying to be loud for them to here me but also quiet enough so Sophie wouldn't wake up.

"Hey Zach. Zoey and Tanner should be here soon" said Caleb as him and Macy entered our apartment.

I was confused why they came together but then I realized that they could have just gotten here at the same time.

I took out some bowls, glasses, forks, and spoons and set them on the counter.

"Do one of you guys want to set the table, and the other one get other stuff." I said

"Sure!" They said in unison

Then they went and did that then sat down.

I brought the food out as soon as Zoey and Tanner walked in the door.

"Hey guys." I said

"Wow you guys have to do up after all the work is done." Pouted Caleb

"Yeah, well we decided to do the dishes." Said Zoey

"Oh so the one time you do dishes is because their is a dishwasher." I said sarcastically

Zoey chucked as her and Tanner sat down and Caleb got up.

"Hey Zach, do you want me to wake up Sophie?"

"Sure, go ahead."

Sophie's POV

I was walking out of the break room and walked out to the lobby, of my work. Then everything went black. Then I knew I was sleeping peacefully when someone nudged me. I didn't want to wake up so I let out a groan and tried to fall back to sleep. Bit the person nudged me again. It was no use ignoring them so I just opened my eyes. Once I positioned my self so I could see who woke me. I noticed that I wasn't at work.

"Caleb when did I get here? The last thing I remember was I was at work getting ready to be picked up by Zach. Since the person I was subbing for came." I said

Caleb ran out of the room. Then I herd something drop, and footsteps coming to me fast.

Then a whole group of people came in the room. It took me a second to see that those people were Zach, Tanner, Caleb, Zoey, and Macy. They all had shocked faces.

"Ok since Caleb didn't answer my question, maybe you guys can. How did I get here? Last thing I remember was that I was at work."

Macy and Zoey started crying and Caleb and Tanner tried comforting them, while Zach came up to me and kissed me a whole bunch of times.

"Ok what happened the night before you went to work?" Asked Zach

"Why do you need to know you were there." I said I was still very confused.

"Just tell us." Said Zach

I looked at everyone and noticed they all had tears streaming down their faces.

"Tanner told us that he got Zoey pregnant."

They all ran up to me and started hugging me. That's when I smelt it.

"Is that Mac and Cheese I smell?" I asked. They all nodded. I literally bolted out of bed and went to go get food.

As I was doing that I thought it was kind of weird that they were cooking exactly what I was craving other then chocolate. I made a mental not for me to ask Zach about it later.


We had finished our meal and the dishes. Soon everybody said their goodbyes. Then Zach came up to my and started kissing me like a dog kisses it's owner when the owner has been gone for awhile.

"What's all this for?" I asked Zach

"You are remembering things now." He said in between his kisses.

I gave him a confused look.

"Lets sit down before I explain all of this."

I nodded as we sat down on the couch.

"Baby, there is no easy way to say this but I'm going to tell you anyways. When you were going to the lounge you slipped and landed on your back hitting your head on the floor really hard and then you went unconscious."

My hands immediately went to my baby bump. Man it was really starting to show but it looks kinda of looked like an over grown food baby.

"Sophie the baby is ok, only because you landed on your back. They took you to the hospital and I as soon as I got there you were a wake. Then the doctor informed me that you had amnesia. You had it for exactly one week. It was hard for you, cause you felt bad for not remembering anything. Which made me feel bad cause there wasn't anything I could really do."

I started to cry. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause you all this trouble."

"Shh sweetie. It's ok." Said Zach, wiping away my tears.

Then it dawned on me. "Did Tanner and Caleb find out that I was pregnant at all?"

He shook his head. "No but Zoey knows. I was really devastated when I found out you had amnesia. So after I was done apologizing for freaking out when Tanner told us about Zoey being pregnant, I started talking about how devastating it was that you had amnesia and now with you being pregnant it was going to be so hard. When that part about you being pregnant slipped out of my mouth she was shocked. Though I did get her to finally agree to keep it a secret." Stated Zach

"Ok. Tanner and Caleb still don't know right?" I asked.

"Right. So next week is my mom's birthday party. Did you want to go to that?" Asked Zach

"Yeah I think by next week I will be all rested up and stuff. So I should be ready." I replied.

"Maybe it would be a good time to tell at least Tanner about you being pregnant. Would you want to share that at my mom's party."

I bit my lip. "I don't know, but I will think about it." I replied.

Then we headed off for bed.


Yay Sophie got her memory back!!!!!! Don't be all cruel because I'm basing Sophie's amnesia off of Michelle's amnesia that she got in an episode form FULL HOUSE.

But what do you guys think. Do you think Sophie will tell Tanner and Zach's parents that she is pregnant, then tell Caleb afterwards of do you think she will keep it a secret. If you were in Sophie's shoes what would you do???

I hope your enjoying this book.

-T.J. 😘

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