Chapter 8

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Ok I know I said I want going to update today because it's Easter today. But I just got bored and everyone around me is sleeping so I decided to get a quick chapter in for you guys!!!! Enjoy!!!

Zach's POV

Sophie finally fell asleep. I carried her off to bed and tucked her in. Then I kissed on the cheek and wished her a good nights sleep.

I was really tempted to just go to bed but I decided I really needed to call Tanner and Zoey, to apologize and congratulate them.

Yes at first I was mad at Tanner most of all because of what he did. I was also mad at Zoey for not even telling me. After I stormed out of the living room, after Tanner told us, I did a lot of  thinking once I got into our bedroom. Yes at first I was mad because I was thinking these horrible things and what could have happened before Zoey told Tanner. After a while all the anger flushed out of me when I realized that sonnet or later Sophie would have to tell Tanner and Caleb. There reactions were going to be the same as mine. And to see poor Sophie sulking and drifting off because of the news and how everything was going to go down was heartbreaking. If calling them and apologizing to them, to have everything go back to normal and to make Sophie feel better and be her happy self, then I will do it. Nothing hurts me more then seeing Sophie upset.


I decided to call Tanner first.

"Hello" said Tanner from the other line. The sadness in his voice hurt me a little.

"Hey, Tanner I'm sorry." I wanted to say so much more but the words just didn't come to me.

"No, I'm sorry. I should have told you guys as soon as I found out. But those few weeks between Zoey telling me and me telling you guys. I was just hurt and shocked. She knew way before I did, but it just kinda of hurt me being she kept a secret from me. I thought we could tell each other anything. That's how I feel with me and Sophie. Also Caleb but, well you know what I mean." He said

Oh man. That's what I was afraid of. He trusts Sophie to tell him anything, because they are family. Now I really really feel bad for Sophie. At first I didn't think his reaction was going to be bad until he said that he and Sophie can tell each other any thing. No secrets.

"Hey, Zach are you still there." Asked Tanner

"Yeah, sorry."

There was a pause, and now it was my time to apologize.

"Tanner, I shouldn't have freaked out like I did.  Just you coming to tell was just fine. It's better then keeping it a secret."

Tanner said it was ok. Then we started to talk sports, just like all guys would. But as we were talking I just couldn't help but think of the words I just said.

"It's better then keeping it a secret." Those words kept replaying in my head over and over again. Telling Tanner and Caleb about Sophie being pregnant would be hard but I feel the longer we keep this a secret the harder it's going to be for Caleb and Tanner to forgive Sophie and especially me.

I knew we in way over our heads, but the thought of me and Sophie having a little bundle of joy just brought me to tears.

Of course Tanner had to hear me sniffling. Then he told me that he gets it. That he felt the same way after Zoey told him. He said he cried for days and she just left him. But she came back after she came to her senses. Then Tanner also mentioned that he said he still loves her and their baby. And that this baby will never be a mistake. The we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I looked at the clock on my phone and it said 11:56pm. I was going to call Zoey but it was super late and it's not good for her baby for her to be staying up late. So I just decided to call her tomorrow.

I walked over into our bedroom, then I took off my clothes. I left my boxers on then slid into bed.

"What were you doing." Whispered Sophie

"It's not good for the baby for you to be staying up this late." I whispered back.

"Yes I know. But you still didn't answer my question." She said back while adjusting her self to face me.

"I was talking to Tanner to apologize about my reaction. Just because I felt bad about his soon to be reaction when he finds out." She nodded then fell asleep.

I really love this little moments when she looks so peaceful when a internal or external war is  about to start with her loved ones. I don't want this wars to happen with her an her brothers. It's so hard for me to see her hurt. I would do anything to see her smile. All these bad times see has gone through and has yet to go through will be hard for her. I wish I could take them away so she could be happy all the time. I know I can't but it has always been my wish since I meet her.

Soon afterwards I drifted off to sleep. Only dreading the moment when Tanner and Caleb find out.


Hey guys!! So this chapter was just for Zach. I can do more chapters like this with others people's POV for you guys, if you want.

So I going to run out of internet on my phone really soon. So I will try to update as soon as I get internet.

I hope all of you guys had a good Easter. I know I did. But it did hurt me not to update for you. I know I said I wasn't going to and I didn't but, I felt bad for not just cause I do t want you guys to keep waiting for updates!!!

Well that's all I have for now!

-T.J. 😘

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