Chapter 10

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Zach's POV

Melanie finally stopped dragging me as we got to the door. I brushed my self off then followed Melanie in.

There was something on the ground but before I could get a better picture of it, Melanie moved in front of it.

"Look, we just mopped the floors. And Sophie just went here to come sit and wait for you. That's when we heard a big bang from the back." Then Melanie slides over to the side, and that something that was laying there was Sophie. "She fell face forward, I don't know if she tried to use her hands to stop her face from hitting the floor. We really don't know if she tried to find anything that would help her not fall. But when I came over to check she was unconscious. I knew you were coming to get her, but I called 911 just in case. They should be here any minute."

And of course that's when I heard the sirens.
They put Sophie on a stretcher and took her into the ambulance. They didn't really let me in because I wasn't family. So I followed in my truck.

Then I decided I really needed to call everyone.  I just really hope Sophie and the baby are ok.

"Hello." Said Tanner on the other line.

"Your not doing anything right now, right?" I asked

"No, just relaxing. What's up?"

"You need to come to the hospital."

"What, what happened?"

"Sophie slipped at work and was knocked unconscious. She is in a ambulance right now."

"Oh god, ok I will be there. I will tell Caleb to."

"Ok, could you also tell Zoey and see if she would come. I would still like to talk to her."

"Ok, I will do that and us four will be there."

At first I was confused when he said four but then I remembered Zoey was pregnant.

"Ok, I will see you there." I responded

"Ok, bye."


Well that phone call just saved me two calls. Now the only thing left to do was call Macy.

"Hello." Said Macy through the phone.

"Hey, you need to come to the hospital. Sophie slipped during work and was knocked unconscious."

"Oh my god yeah I will be there."

"One thing though Tanner and Caleb still don't know about the baby. So please don't tell them. Also you can tell Zoey because she is also pregnant, but just tell her not to say anything about it when Tanner or Caleb  are around." I said

"Ok I will, see you there bye."

"Ok, bye."

Not to long after my call with Macy, I entered the  hospital parking lot.

I parked my truck and made my way in to the hospital.

I went to the front desk. I told them who I was and why I was here then they told me the room number. And that's where I went.

I walked into the room and I seen Sophie laying there. Well I just seen her legs because there was a doctor an nurse surrounding Sophie.

Then the nurse turned to me when she was done doing whatever she was doing. Then she tapped the doctor and the doctor turned to me, and the nurse left.

"Hello my name is doctor Riecke. Who are you?"

"My names Zach I'm her boyfriend. Also how are they doing?"

"So you do know about her baby. You weren't at her first appointment so I didn't think you knew."

"I was in my college classes."

"Oh, well they are doing fine the paramedics said she was on her back when she fell so it really won't have hurt the baby. But she hit her head hard."

"Ok, but do me a favor her brothers still don't know that she is pregnant so please don't say anything about the baby around them."

"Ok, will do. She is awake so don't be afraid to say hi." I nodded

"Hi Sophie. You had me so worried."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause you any worry but I'm also sorry, who are you?"

Those words hurt me so much.

I walked over to Dr. Riecke.

"Why, why doesn't she remember me?"

"She has amnesia, sometimes it could last a day or forever. Every person with amnesia is different."

I nodded then went back to Sophie, who was crying.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" I said wiping her tears away.

"I'm sorry I just don't remember." She whimpered

"Well my names Zach, I'm your boyfriend." I wanted to tell her that I was also her baby's father but I didn't want her to tell anybody.

"Oh. What else do you know about me?"

"Well, both of parents died at the beginning of this year." Then I took out my phone to show Sophie pictures of her parents and the rest of the people she needs to know about. "You have two brothers. This one is Tanner he is the oldest. This is Caleb he is the middle child. You are the youngest. Then this is my older sister, Zoey. Zoey is Tanner's age. They are dating. And this is your best friend since kindergarten, Macy."

She looked through those few photos I showed her. Then there was a knock at the door. I kissed her forehead and walked towards the door. And I seen everyone that I needed to be here.

"Ok guys, look Sophie has amnesia. She doesn't remember anything. I did tell who you guys are and I showed her photos to so she could put a name to a face. I told her that her parents died. That you to were her brothers and I told her that you and Zoey were dating and that I'm her boyfriend. They all nodded and went in. But Macy stayed outside with me.

"She doesn't know about Zoey's baby or her own does she." I shook my head

"Also, I didn't tell Zoey what you wanted me to tell her." I nodded the followed her inside.

I sat there in the back of the room while everyone else was next to her. I felt hot tears come down my face. My Sophie doesn't remember anything. It hurt me, what was I supposed to do to help her. Could I even help her?


Poor Sophie. 😱😫😢

I hope this chapter was worth the wait!!! Also sorry about the wait!

I basing Sophie's amnesia off of the two episodes in full house when Michelle gets amnesia. So don't get all mad at me if that's not exactly how people get rid of amnesia!!

Thanks for a hundred reads!!!! I hope we can get higher I really do enjoy making this book for you guys

-T.J. 😘

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