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Dr. Jooheon carefully moved the vials and put them inside the machine. Watching intently to the whirl movement and waited. It had been three days since Sungmi barged into his fiance' room and told him that they made such a good progress. He had to do the retest over and over again to make sure it wasn't a coincidental miracle. Sungmi had been helping him non-stop. He was grateful to have a support like her. The dream of bringing Seungwoo back was his ultimate fuel for endless experiments and failures.

"Do you want to do the testing today, Doctor?" asked Sungmi, plopped down to the chair tiredly.

Dr. Jooheon smiled. He still watched the vials inside the machine. "No need to rush. I have to test the composition first. By tomorrow, I hope we can test it on Champ." said Jooheon calmly. He wanted to make sure everything went well and for that, he could wait another day to perfect it.

Sungmi nodded. Impressed by Dr. Jooheon's patience and dedication. It wasn't a surprise that he had become the talk of the building about his romance and loyalty to his fiance'.

"If it works on Champ, will you test it on him?" asked Sungmi carefully.

Jooheon stood in quiet. He turned his head and shook his head.

"The Beast first."


A labored breath echoed throughout the room as the owner punched the ransack in front of him tirelessly. Once in a while, he leaned on the ransack, tried to control his breathing and continued again until his knuckles were bruised and red. The sweat had covered all of his body; his face, his arms, until his shirt and sweatpants soaked with sweat. Despite his labored breath and sweat, he didn't budge a bit but keep doing what he had been doing since two hours ago.

Hyunwoo stopped his activity when he felt a pair of eyes were staring at him from behind. The vanilla scent streamed through his nostrils; awaking all memory and time spent with the owner. Abruptly, Hyunwoo turned and found Kihyun was standing behind him with his soft and warm smile. The same kind that Hyunwoo's late girlfriend had; the one that would welcome him warmly no matter how rough his day was.

Choking on his own saliva, Hyunwoo strode faster to where Kihyun stood. It had been two months he hadn't seen him and he missed him. The Master didn't allow Kihyun to come; he wanted Hyunwoo to have his own time to recover and prepared him before going back to the arena.

Without a word, he hugged Kihyun who already jumped into his own arms. With legs encircled Hyunwoo's waist, Kihyun leaned his face to claim Hyunwoo's lips. The bruises in Hyunwoo's face after the last match were almost completely gone though some were still evident.

Then Kihyun kissed Hyunwoo's lips ravenously; like a hungry animal. He was oblivious of anything around him but Hyunwoo. Hyunwoo's taste on his tongue, Hyunwoo's lips and his hot breath in Kihyun's mouth; Hyunwoo's warm and steady hands that supported Kihyun's weight; Hyunwoo's toned muscles on the shoulders where Kihyun's hands landed. Kihyun sucked as hard as he could as if he wanted to taste more of Hyunwoo with all his sensory cells and kept the taste forever in his brain.

As his tongue and Hyunwoo's tangoed together inside, he could Hyunwoo's right hand caressed his spine. And that's it. All the defense and the tough facade he put on for a month had crumbled. Kihyun sobbed in Hyunwoo's mouth. The salty taste of his tears and heavy emotion broke their kiss. Kihyun hid his face by looking down. He was still sobbing when Hyunwoo cleared his throat and said in a hoarse voice, " I miss you ..."

Kihyun might find it difficult to decipher what was going on; the only feeling he could recognize after hearing Hyunwoo said that was this thousand sensations like a surge of a wave hit one deep spot inside his heart and made him paralyzed. He was unable to respond, unable to think or even breathe. He was paralyzed by the power of a single sentence from Hyunwoo.

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