chapter 13: scaring Miles

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Zack's POV

right now me, Tomika, Summer, Freddy, Lawrence and Mr Finn are in Tomika's old room sleeping. I have just woke up and I see that Tomika is awake too and she looks like has been for a while 

Zack: hey babe

Frankie/ Tomika: hey Zackie 

Summer, Freddy, Lawrence and Mr Finn: were here too Zack

Zack: I know 

Tomika then gets off her bed and walks up to me 

Frankie/ Tomika: don't be mean Zack they're your friends 

Zack: but 

Frankie/ Tomika: no buts 

Zack: fine, hey guys, you happy 

Summer, Freddy, Lawrence and Mr Finn: too late for that Zackary 

Frankie/ Tomika: wait Zackary is your full name 

Zack: yeah it is 

Frankie/ Tomika: now I have too nicknames for you Zack

Zack: I hate you babe 

Frankie/ Tomika: aww love you too Zackie

Freddy: at least we don't have two names Francesca 

Frankie/ Tomika: I would watch it Fredward because I'm the only one that knows your only weakness

Freddy: how did you find out  

Frankie/ Tomika: I got Louie to o a bit of spying for me 

Freddy: I hate you T

Frankie/ Tomika: don't hate me because I'm beautiful Fredward 

Summer: wait what's Freddy's weakness

Freddy: don't say it 

Frankie/ Tomika: Freddy's very ticklish, say what Fredward

Freddy: that, don't say that  

Frankie/ Tomika: sorry Fredward

Freddy: can you stop calling me that 

Frankie/ Tomika: fine

Frankie/ Tomika POV

I am thinking of doing that scare now, I think Miles will know it's me because I'm the only one that would do something like this as I have done this to Louie many times 

Summer: Tomix can I talk to you for a sec 

Frankie/ Tomika: sure

me and Summer then go somewhere private to talk 

Frankie/ Tomika: what's up Sum Summer: when you and Freddy were alone did he talk about the girl he's trying to impress

Frankie/ Tomika: no, sorry Sum

ok that was a lie Freddy would not shut up about Summer all the way there and all the way back 

Summer: I's worried I'm going to lose him to another girl 

Frankie/ Tomika: then tell him hoe you feel 

Summer: I can't do that 

Frankie/ Tomika: why not 

Summer: because I'm scared too

Frankie/ Tomika: don't be Sum ok

Summer: you know who the girl is don't you

Frankie/ Tomika: ok, I do but Freddy swore me to secrecy so I can't tell you, sorry

Summer: oh ok 

we then make our way back to the others 

Freddy: what did you girls talk about 

Frankie/ Tomika: nothing important Freddy

Freddy: ok 

just then Billy shows up 

Billy: do the scare now 

Frankie/ Tomika: alright, alright I'll do it now 

I then pull on the dolls ear and the same think happens to Miles and we hear him scream 


I knew it, he knew it was me. Oh well, it was a good scare anyway 

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