Chater 28: the scare and the talk

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Frankie/ Tomika's POV

Right now Louie is telling me about the scare that they are planning to do to the pizza delivery man. And I hate to say it but the scare is amazing. Louie's going to pour slime all over him when he opens the door

Louie: do you like it Frankie

Frankie/ Tomika: I love it Louie

Just then the doorbell goes off and we know it's the pizza deliver man do Louie gets ready

Delivery man: that will be £15 please

Louie the pours the slime over the delivery man 

Delivery man: rotten kids

The delivery man then leaves and an added bonus he let the pizza which was untouched by the slime. I picked the pizza up and took it inside Lawrence's house and placed it in the middle of the floor and grabbed a slice, the others then look at me weirdly

Frankie/ Tomika: what

Zack: babe are you sharing the pizza

Frankie/ Tomika: yeah if you guys want some

The others then grab a slice of pizza and start eating it

Zack: babe can I talk to you in private for a minute

Frankie/ Tomika: sure

Lawrence: you guys can use my room if you want to

Zack: thanks man

Me and Zack then make our way to Lawrence's room

Frankie/ Tomika: what's up zackie

Zack: can you do me something

Frankie/ Tomika: sure what is it

Zack: I want you to stop pranking

Frankie/ Tomika: what

Zack: babe it would mean you could spend more time with me

Frankie/ Tomika: as much as I want that, I just don't know if I could stop completely

Zack: how about we make a deal

Frankie/ Tomika: I'm listening

Zack: if you stop pranking for a week I'll let you style my hair

Frankie/ Tomika: really

Zack: yeah, so what do you say

Frankie/ Tomika: deal

Zack: starting tomorrow

Frankie/ Tomika: ok

Zack then kisses me on my lips and I kiss back. As we are kissing summer comes up and we break away

Summer: I didn't mean to interrupt but we have to go back to mine Tomix 

Frankie/ Tomika: fine

I then give Zack a peck on the lips and me and Summer then leave Lawrence's house and we go back to summer's

Summer: so what did you and Zack talk about

Frankie/ Tomika: we made a deal

Summer: details please

Frankie/ Tomika: if I stop pranking for a week he will let me style his hair

Summer: ok Zack never lets anyone style his hair he must be serious about this

Frankie/ Tomika: I know and I'm really going to try and stop pranking

Summer: awww that's so sweet

Frankie/ Tomika: I know

Zack's POV

I really hope Tomika can pull this off because if she can do this then she can stop completely which would be good as she could spend more time with me instead of in detention

Louie: Zack what did you and Frankie talk about

Zack: we made a deal

Freddy: what deal

Zack: if Tomika stops pranking for a week then I'm letting her style my hair

Lawrence: ok you never let anyone stop your hair

Louie: that's good start her off easy

Zack: yeah that's what I thought

Freddy: do you think she'll pull it off

Zack: I hope so I mean you stopped pranking so why can't she

Freddy: you have a point Zack

Louie: what do you guys normal do now

Lawrence: we would normally post pictures to Instagram, do you have Instagram Louie

Louie: I don't show up in pictures remember Lawrence

Lawrence: right I keep forgetting that your a ghost

Louie: so

Zack: how about we prank the girls

Louie: that would only get Frankie to prank more Zack not stop

As the day continued me, Lawrence, Freddy and Louie just had a blast until Louie's dad came and told him to go back to his house and they both disappeared and me, Freddy and Lawrence then got some sleep

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